Postdoctoral Opportunity – Hierarchical modeling of avian point count data
from western national parks

12-mo. position available beginning in January to analyze avian point count
data from Mount Rainier, Olympic, North Cascades, Sequoia and Kings Canyon,
and Yosemite National Parks.  Objectives include a) reporting on short-term
population trends using an existing analytical methodology that involves
distance sampling and temporal trend assessment for individual transects in
a stratified sampling framework, and b) developing a new analytical
framework for the data that is based on hierarchical models with parameter
estimation using frequentist and/or Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (McMC)
methods. The new framework will take advantage of aspects of the data set
that are currently unexploited (replication within and among years), and
provide inferences about a range of population parameters, detection
probabilities, and their relationships to environmental covariates.  The
analyst will have broad latitude to explore and publish findings on habitat
relationships of western montane landbirds, and patterns in avian diversity
and abundance across the parks, using a dataset comprising thousands of
point count surveys. The successful candidate will be employed by The
Institute for Bird Populations (IBP; based in Point Reyes
Station, CA and will work under the supervision of IBP Research Ecologist
Jim Saracco and Executive Director Rodney Siegel, in collaboration with USGS
and NPS scientists.  Duty location is flexible and may be remote.  To apply,
send cover letter outlining relevant experience, CV, and contact information
for 3 references to Rodney Siegel at by November 3.

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