The National Climate Assessment Development and Advisory Committee (NCADAC), 
the federal advisory committee for the National Climate Assessment, approved 
their draft of the Third National Climate Assessment Report for release for 
public comment. The draft report is available for download--both as a single 
document and by chapter - at

The public comment period for the report will run January 14 - April 12, 2013.  
All comments must be submitted via the online comment tool The draft will be undergoing review by the 
National Research Council at the same time.

The draft report is a product of the NCADAC and is not a product of the federal 
government.  The authors of the report will use the comments received during 
the public comment period to revise the report before submitting it to the 
government for consideration.

Nadine Lymn
ESA Director of Public Affairs
Washington DC  20036
(202)833-8773 x205!/esa_org

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