Training Workshop: The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System
Water Sustainability in a Global Economy Master Class

Continue reading below for additional information and registration deadlines.

A very limited number of student travel grants are available on a first come, 
first served basis to help defray the cost of travel to the courses. Contact 
Elizabeth Tran at<> for more 

Training Workshop: The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System
May 2 - 4, 2017 || Boulder, CO
Early Bird Registration Deadline: February 1st
Regular Registration Deadline: February 15th

This training workshop will provide graduate students and early career 
scientists with formal instruction on the structure and application of the 
WRF-Hydro system and will offer hands-on experience in setting up and running 
the system for several different research and prediction applications.

Specific topics to be covered during the workshop include:

*         Conceptualization and structure of the WRF-Hydro system

*         Description of physics components options within WRF-Hydro v5.0

*         Model porting and compilation and overview of parallel computing with 

*         Model input data preparation

*         Model configuration and execution

*         Visualization and post-processing of model output

*         Case studies (participants learn how to use the system in both 
one-way uncoupled and two-way coupled modes with the community WRF atmospheric 

*         Setup and use of the open source Rwrfhydro hydrologic model 
evaluation package

*         Open discussion on class participant interests and applications

Class participants will receive in-depth training via lectures and hands-on 
activities on the implementation and use of the WRF-Hydro system where all 
hands-on tutorial activities will be conducted in a formal computer laboratory 
located at NCAR.

Prerequisites: Graduate students, post-docs, and professionals working in 
hydrology and/or the atmospheric sciences are invited to participate. Prior 
hydrologic and/or atmospheric modeling experience is advised. Unix/Linux 
command line operation strongly recommended.

The course will be held at NCAR<> in Boulder, CO. Included 
in the registration fee are course tuition, facilities costs, catered lunches 
and light refreshments, and shuttle transportation from the hotel to/from 

Visit the event website<> for more information and 
to register<>.


Water Sustainability in a Global Economy Master Class
May 16 - 19, 2017 || Flagstaff, AZ
Early Bird Registration Deadline: February 15th
Regular Registration Deadline: February 28th

The Water Sustainability in a Global Economy Master Class is intended for 
graduate students in Hydrology and Water Resources science and engineering 
programs requiring focused training on modern research methods in embodied 
water resources accounting in a regional and global economy context. An 
overview of major modern methods is provided to help the student identify the 
most appropriate tools for their current research problems.

The course will be divided into four modules:

1.    Datasets and Informatics

2.    Water Footprint Accounting

3.    Complex Networks

4.    Causal Inference
Prerequisites: This is a research-oriented class. Students must be enrolled in 
research degrees and intend to use this course to inform their research.

The course will be held at Northern Arizona University<> in 
Flagstaff, AZ. Included in the registration fee are course tuition, facilities 
costs, catered lunches and light refreshments.

Visit the event website<> for more information and 
to register<>.


Contact Elizabeth Tran at<>

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