We are seeking six, highly motivated individuals who are interested 
working as part of a large team of investigators examining diversity 
patterns in restored grasslands that are part of the Conservation 
Reserve Program (CRP).  In Kansas, the CRP program includes over 2 
million acres—much of which is re-established, native grassland. 
However, a dominant grazer is lacking on most of these sites despite the 
critical role that bison historically played in this grassland 
ecosystem. Our study will test how two CRP plantings (CP2 and CP25), 
which differ in the number of forbs planted, and the effects of periodic 
grazing influence the restoration of plant and insect abundance on 108 
grassland sites across the precipitation gradient in Kansas. 

The technicians will work as part of one, unified team that is 
subdivided into three field crews located in east, central, or western 
Kansas. Each field crew will work from mid-May to early-August.  The 
majority of the field effort will be spent in remote short- to tallgrass 
prairie habitats.  Primary tasks will include plant, insect, and soil 
sampling in the field, data entry, and sample preparation.  Applicants 
need to be able work under all weather conditions and be good team 
players.  Some experience with plant or insect sampling and/or 
identification is preferred, but dedicated, hardworking individuals will 
also be considered.  Starting pay is $10/hr plus free housing during the 
summer of field work.  

If interested, please contact Dr. Greg Houseman 
(greg.house...@wichita.edu) or Dr. Mary Liz Jameson 

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