Hello All:

The new issue of *The Ecological Citizen* is available. It is unusual
because of its ecocentric point of view; it places intrinsic value on all
living organisms and their natural environment, regardless of their
perceived usefulness or importance to human beings and it  employs a
nature-centered, as opposed to human-centered, system of values.

Download or read by going to this link:

This issue features beautiful photos of a Canadian Park, by Tony Cassils,
designed to help one realize that the Earth is indeed beautiful. There are
many other wonderful illustrations too.

Read about ecocentric issues associated with water, a free-flowing subject
that reveals the urgent need for humanity to change its course. There is an
article dealing with legal personhood for rivers, an idea whose time has
come.  Still on water, Captain Paul Watson has an article titled *Neptune's
Navy: a Global Initiative.*

One of today's great problems, that of people knowing about the ecological
crisis but yet unwilling to do anything about it is discussed in Luke
Plotica's essay *Against enlightened inaction: Edification from Thoreau.*

Dandelions, flowers dear to my heart, have an article: *Dandelions are

As usual, there is superb art, grand photographs and interesting poetry.

Go to the issue here:


and please send the link on to others.

Ian Whyte

*All Causes are Lost Causes Without a Reduction in Population*

*Read All The Ecological Citizen's Issues and the Supplement!*
<http://www.ecologicalcitizen.net/issues.php>**t <http://ecospherics.net>*

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