Job Description:
Two volunteer field assistants are needed for four months from approximately
Aug. 30, 2016 – Dec. 22, 2016 for a study of the social and reproductive
behavior of satin bowerbirds in Queensland, Australia. Male satin bowerbirds
court females at constructed courtship arenas called bowers, which they
augment with colorful decorations and masticated plant matter. The research
will focus on monitoring interactions at bower display arenas and on
experimental manipulations of bower decorations. 

The assistant will enjoy fantastic wildlife viewing opportunities
(wallabies, kookaburra, koalas, etc.) and hiking opportunities on their day
off. Room and board will be provided, however, assistants must provide their
own airfare to and from Brisbane, Australia.

The study site is rugged, and stinging trees, paralysis ticks, feral pigs,
and venomous snakes are common. Applicants must be able to hike rough areas
off-trail, navigate treefalls, and maintain a positive and energetic
attitude despite long hours in variable weather conditions. Encounters with
the general public are likely. Cell phone reception is limited, and
assistants will often work alone in the field. 

Duties include bower searching and monitoring, trapping, counting bower
decorations, sound recording, and data entry. Previous experience with
banding and color band resighting is highly desired. Work schedules and
duties may vary, so flexibility is critical. This experience is most
appropriate for applicants interested in a career in behavioral ecology, and
with previous field experience. 

To Apply:
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until
position is filled. To apply, please send a cover letter detailing interests
and previous experience as well as dates of availability, a CV, and a list
of 3 references to LIZ BERGEN (EM: elb254 AT Please feel free
to inquire with any questions pertinent to the application process or on the
project in general.

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