Overview: This training program targets students with interest in wildlife 
handling, zoology, or veterinary science. Students will participate in annual 
capture and release programs focused on nonhuman primates, bats, birds, and 
small to medium size terrestrial mammals (rodents, marsupials, armadillos, 
tayras) in southeastern Peru. Participants will work alongside several wildlife 
biologists and veterinarians obtaining opportunities to handle a variety of 
mammalian and avian species, gaining valuable knowledge of their biology, 
learning to record morphometrics, collecting and processing a variety of 
samples, and becoming competent in several roles that are vital to a successful 
health screening program. Our work in this project is sanctioned by the Amazon 
Conservation Association, the Animal Care Committee of the University of 
Missouri, St. Louis, and the Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre 
(SERFOR) in Perú.

Program dates: May 27 – July 21, 2019
Start dates: May 27, June 3, June 10
Minimum stay required: 5 weeks (in special cases we will consider 4 weeks)
Application deadline: April 14, 2019 (limited spaces available on a first-come 
Program fee: $450/week
Appeals to majors: Vertebrate Physiology, Anthropology, Veterinary Science, 
Training areas: Animal mark-recapture and handling, health assessments, vital 
signs monitoring, morphological measurement, sample collection and storage.

Program link: https://fieldprojects.org/research/

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