Topic: Environmental changes and their impacts on phytoplankton key species for aquaculture: role of abiotic factors and the associated phytoplantonic community.

Keywords: Diversity – ecological niche – data analysis – Harmful algal blooms

The objective is to assess the environmental changes and their impacts on the distribution, frequency and intensity of key phytoplankton species for aquaculture (harmful species). Approach of environmental and phytoplankton community changes will be achieved with dynamic linear models. The  ecological niche of key species will be determined taking into account the abiotic parameters and the phytoplankton community at different bloom periods. Both approaches will assess how environment or phytoplankton community trends are readable in the ecological niche of a species of interest and its accompanying species

A. Chapelle

Nantes/Brest (France)

18 months, starting in 2017, November, 1st

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