Registration is now open to attend the 5th Annual Ecological Genomics
Symposium on November 9 - 11, 2007, at the InterContinental Hotel in Kansas
City on the Country Club Plaza.  The Genes in Ecology, Ecology in Genes
Symposium will begin on Friday evening, November 9, and conclude at noon on
Sunday, November 11.  For more complete information regarding poster
abstract submission, registration and hotel reservations, please visit our
Symposium website,

Andrew Clark, Cornell University
“Genome-wide population genetic inference from 454 and Solexa sequence runs”

Michael A. Herman, Kansas State University
“Ecological genomics of nematode community responses:  Model and non-model

Stefan Jansson, Umeå University, Sweden
“Natural variation in Populus”

Thomas E. Juenger, University of Texas at Austin
“Natural variation in the physiology of Arabidopsis thaliana: The ecological
genetics of drought adaptation and acclimation”

James H. Marden, Penn State University
“Functional genomics of a butterfly metapopulation:  Genes that matter for
population dynamics, life history traits, and spatial ecology”

Therese Ann Markow, University of Arizona
“Ecological genomics of cactophilic desert Drosophila”

Jennifer B.H. Martiny, University of California, Irvine
“The ecological significance of microbial genetic diversity”

Mónica Medina, University of California, Merced
“Coral reef health: Genomic approaches to the study of symbiosis, bleaching
and disease”

Nancy A. Moran, University of Arizona
“The ecological genomics of symbiotic bacteria in insects”

James M. Tiedje, Michigan State University
“Genomic insight from among close bacterial relatives”

Please submit your poster abstract online before Friday, September 28, 2007.
Abstract submission guidelines are available at:
A limited number of submitted poster abstracts will be selected for oral

If you have questions, please contact us at (785) 532-3482 or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Additional information about this interdisciplinary
research initiative is available at

9/28/07 Poster Abstracts are due

9/28/07 Early Registration

10/10/07 Hotel Reservations
     (Select “Reserve Hotel” link on

Funding for this symposium is provided by Kansas State University.

Ecological Genomics Institute
Project Directors:
Dr. Loretta Johnson and Dr. Michael Herman
Kansas State University
104 Ackert Hall, Manhattan, KS  66506-4901

Doris Merrill, Program Coordinator
Kansas State University
(785) 532-3482, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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