A graduate assistantship in plant ecology is available as part of an 
interdisciplinary workgroup aimed at developing integrative management 
approaches for key invasive species in the Mid-South US.  Work to date has 
focused primarily on projects related to the invasive cactus moth (Cactoblastis 
cactorum, an introduced herbivore of native prickly pear cacti - Opuntia  spp.) 
and the terrestrial invasive cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica).  The workgroup 
includes expertise in remote sensing, invasive plant management, and plant 
ecology, among others, and is housed in the MSU GeoResources Institute.  

The specific research for which applications are being solicited involves 
habitat modeling for prickly pear or cogongrass, and the student would be 
expected to contribute directly to data collection in support of USDA- and 
USGS-funded research. The student would be based in the plant ecology 
laboratory of Dr. Gary Ervin, in the Department of Biological Sciences.  
Related expertise in the Department includes plant systematics, evolutionary 
biology, spatial ecology, ecological modeling, and population genetics.

Please see full announcement linked through: 

Gary N Ervin, Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Mississippi State, MS 39762  USA

on the web at:  http://www.msstate.edu/courses/ge14/

for parcel delivery:
Department of Biological Sciences
130 Harned Biology
295 Lee Boulevard
Miss State, MS 39762

Office: Room 223 Harned Biology Bldg.
Tel.: (662) 325-1203
lab : (662) 325-7937
FAX : (662) 325-7939 

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