School of Ecology, University of Georgia, USA

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral assistantship in Population 
Ecology.  The position will focus on the study of co-evolutionary 
dynamics in a laboratory host-parasitoid and host-pathogen system.  The 
protagonist species are the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella), 
its ichneumonid parasitoid (Venturia canescens) and the virus (PiGV).  
The work, carried out in collaboration with Dr Steven Sait (University 
of Leeds, UK), will place a strong emphasis on designing lab experiments 
to test theoretical predictions and the analysis of long-term 
time-series data.

The successful applicant would have a PhD in Ecology & Evolution.  The 
position is for 18 months in the first instance, with a salary in the 
range of $32-40,000 per year (depending on experience), plus fringe 

For further information, contact Pej Rohani +1 706 542 9249, e-mail: 

Applicants should send a detailed CV, together with a brief statement of 
research interests and three references to Pej Rohani, Institute of 
Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens GA 30602.  Electronic 
applications are encouraged.

Review of applications will start on August 20 and will continue until 
the post has been filled.

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