As the editor of Herpetological Conservation and Biology I am pleased to =
announce that Issue 2 of the first volume has been released.  You can =
now access the open-access journal online at  =
The issue has nine research articles, an introductory piece and a =
complimentary of copy of Scott and Campbell 1982.  The next issue will =
be released in Early April.=20

Articles can be downloaded for free from the journal website.  If you =
are interested in submitting an article to HCB, please download the =
instructions for authors from the journal website (or request them from =
me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]).=20

HCB is a partnership between the World Congress of Herpetology and =
Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation.  We welcome submissions =
written in English from any country.=20

HCB will not become eligible for inclusion in ISI Citation Reports until =
2008, until then the journal staff will self-calculate its citation =
rating (a.k.a Journal Impact Factor).  At the current time, HCB's =
self-calculated citation rating (JIF) is at least 0.818.=20

There are no page charges or other fees to authors who publish their =
work in Herpetological Conservation and Biology.

Have a nice day, and I hope you enjoy issue 2.
A New Journal Published in Partnership with Partners in Amphibian and =
Reptile Conservation
and the World Congress of Herpetology.
Malcolm L. McCallum
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Texas A&M University Texarkana
2600 Robison Rd.
Texarkana, TX 75501
O: 1-903-223-3134
H: 1-903-791-3843

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