Ecologgers - 

A few months ago I emailed you about the #SciFund Challenge
( ) - an attempt to use a new and different
mechanism to fund scientific research, crowdfunding.  And it's working. 49
scientists, 75% of whom are ecologists, are participating.  And we've
pulled in $30,000 in just a few days, with 37 days left to go.

So I'd urge you to take a look!  The style of proposals is very very
different than your typical NSF/NIH grant.  All proposals have accompanying
videos, and are pitched at getting funding from a general
science-interested audience through microdonations.  The videos themselves
are fantastic to see what any scientist can do with a camera, a copy of
iMovie, and an hour or two.

This could be a new source of funding for your lab's research in the
future.   We're having a discussion on our blog
( ) about the whole experience, and about
whether this is a viable mechanism for science funding in the future.  What
kind of projects are good for crowdfunding? What is required of
crowdfunding proposals that is different than typical grant proposals?

So, check it out and feel free to forward it around your department or to
colleagues in other disciplines.  If only for some great examples of
science communication.


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