The terHorst Lab is recruiting 1-2 students to the Master’s program at 
California State University, Northridge for Fall 2013. Research in my lab 
generally focuses on community ecology and the factors that allow species to 
coexist. In particular, I am interested in how rapid evolution on contemporary 
time scales alters the outcome of species interactions and affects coexistence 
and genetic diversity in communities. My research combines theoretical and 
experimental approaches that bridge the gap between evolutionary biology and 
community ecology. More information is available at   

I have used several systems to explore these questions, including interactions 
between invasive and native species in California grasslands, natural microcosm 
communities inside carnivorous pitcher plants, symbioses between corals and 
algal symbionts, and communities of epifaunal marine invertebrates. Students 
are welcome to work in any of these systems, but are also encouraged to develop 
work in other appropriate field or laboratory systems. Projects that include a 
theoretical component are encouraged, so programming skills are useful, but are 
not required. Some examples of potential Master’s student projects are: (a) 
genetic variation in invasive ability and selection on traits during invasion, 
(b) the effect of gene flow on local adaptation in natural microcosm 
communities, (c) contemporary evolutionary responses to global change.  

Northridge is located in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles and provides 
access to many different natural habitats. The location is within a short 
commute of West LA, Santa Monica, Hollywood, or most locations in the Valley. 
The Biology program at CSUN has a reputation of turning out excellent Master’s 
students who often continue on to top-tier Ph.D. programs. More information 
about the Biology program is available at  

Interested candidates should send email inquiries to 
describing their career goals and previous research experience. Include a 
CV/resume, if appropriate. You should also give a sense of your research 
interests, but these need not be specific plans, as students will be encouraged 
to develop their own independent projects during their first year. 
Underrepresented groups in ecology are especially encouraged to apply. 
Applications to CSUN are due by March 15, but potential applicants should 
contact me well before then to determine whether or not you should apply. 
Interested applicants can also meet with me at the Benthic Ecology Meeting in 
Savannah, GA from 3/20-3/24.  

Casey terHorst 

Current position: Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University 

Fall 2013: Assistant Professor, California State University, Northridge 


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