Special Issue of Current Zoology: Social behavior and evolution in the -omics era

We are soliciting titles and abstracts for a special issue of Current Zoology.


Deadline for abstract submission: 30 September 2018
Deadline for manuscript submission: 30 January 2019
Publication: Issue 4, 2019

Please contact Jaime Grace or Philip Johns with questions or submissions

Jaime Leigh Grace
Bradley University
Biology Department
1501 W Bradley Ave
Peoria IL 61625 USA

Philip Johns
Yale-NUS College
Life Sciences
28 College Ave West #01-501
Singapore 138533

The genomics revolution of recent decades has given us tools to study the genetic influences on almost any kind of trait. The ease with which we can collect genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic data opens up new avenues of research questions that were impractical or even unimaginable only a few years ago. For example, we can test hypotheses about the –omic basis of a range of behaviors of interest to evolutionary biologists and behavioral ecologists – in particular, the molecular basis of naturally occurring social behaviors. Furthermore, we are not limited to a few model organisms; we can collect genomic and transcriptomic data on non-model organisms. We can even collect large genomic datasets on non-model organisms in the field.

The aim of this Special Column is to address genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic research on naturally occurring social behaviors in animals, both model and non-model organisms, including: parent-offspring behaviors, cooperation, aggressive and agonistic behaviors, mating displays, and mate preference. We are also interested in studies that explore the possibilities and pitfalls of conducting genomic studies in the field and on non-model animals. We hope to include a broad body of research on different species and approaches in addressing this topic, but we are especially interested in naturally occurring behaviors and natural systems.

Researchers interested in contributing to this special column should send a title and abstract to the guest editors. Manuscripts should be submitted before the deadline. Manuscripts received after the deadline will be considered as submissions for regular issues.

Submitted papers should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submitted manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that they are subject to peer review and editorial revision. Publication is free of page charges. All articles are available for readers to find and read for free online complying with the Open Access policies of many research funding bodies.

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