Animal Parasitologist

The Department of Biology at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) invites
applications for a tenure-track position at the ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level to
begin September 2013.  We seek a candidate who is using innovative and
interdisciplinary approaches that address either basic or applied biological
problems through the study of animal parasitic models.  Area of
specialization is open; interests could include, but are not limited to,
medical or wildlife parasitology, disease ecology, environmental health,
epidemiology, evolution of parasites, or immunoparasitology.

The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to excellence in
teaching, experience with and/or a commitment to using and developing
innovative teaching methods, and the ability to engage graduate (M.S. level)
and undergraduate students in research.  Teaching responsibilities will
include a survey course in animal parasitology, a course that relates
parasites to human health, courses in an area of specialization, and general
biology.  In addition to teaching and maintaining an active research
program, the successful candidate will also be expected to collaborate with
NEIU's Student Center for Science Engagement and other NEIU units to enhance
our students' preparation for post-baccalaureate studies, and to participate
in service to the department, college and university.  An earned doctorate
in biology, with emphasis in parasitology or a related field is required;
teaching experience is desirable, but not required.

Northeastern Illinois University is a comprehensive state university of
approximately 12,000 commuter students located on the northwest side of
Chicago and is recognized as having one of the most ethnically diverse
student bodies in the Midwest.  NEIU recently was awarded a five-year Title
III grant to enhance preparation of minority and low-income students for
careers in the Biomedical and Environmental Health sciences. The Biology
Department serves 600+ undergraduate majors, 100+ minors and 30-40 graduate
students.  The undergraduate curriculum was recently updated and revisions
to the graduate program are in progress.  The research and teaching
interests of faculty in the Department range from ecological to organismal,
cellular, and molecular biology.

To apply for the position, please submit a single PDF file with a subject
line referencing the position title.  The PDF file should contain the
following materials in the following order: (1) a cover letter describing
your interest in the position; (2) a current curriculum vitae; (3) a
teaching statement that describes your teaching experience and philosophy,
plans for a course relating parasites to human health, and a list of courses
(both undergraduate- and graduate-level) you feel qualified to teach; (4) a
research statement that includes current and future research goals and plans
and their relevance to this position; (5) a diversity statement that
describes your experience with diverse populations of students and the
importance of diversity in teaching and research communities; and (6) an
unofficial graduate transcript.  Send the complete PDF to

In addition, please provide three reference letters that address both
research and teaching potential as they relate to this position. Referees
should submit letters as PDFs using a subject line referencing the position
title. The PDFs should be submitted directly to Dr. Joel Olfelt (Acting
Department Chair) at

Review of applications will begin on October 24, 2012.  Preference will be
given to applications received on or before this date.  For further
information, contact Dr. Joel Olfelt via e-mail ( 

Northeastern Illinois University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer and invites applications from women and minorities as well as other
qualified individuals.

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