I enjoyed Larry's reponse to my posting, and it brought back two memories. 
In 1982 I spent the summer with my family on the Dutch island of Texel, and 
although we were lent a car for all the time we were there, I think we only 
used it three times -- loaded up with cases of beer for the 5 km portage 
from Den Burg. Some things are just not practical by bike.

On the other hand, my ex-wife was an avid baker and when we lived in Halifax 
we used to buy large bags of flour at Dover Mills. I recall that on one 
occasion we went down and bought two large bags, I think 40 kg each, one of 
white and the other of whole wheat flour. I painfully pulled them uphill to 
our house on a bicycle trailer, after which I went through a couple of beers 
and a hot shower (which may have mitigated any energetic benefit from using 
a bicycle instead of a car). That evening we went to a party where a woman 
was complaining that supermarkets only stocked large quatities of 
everything, and she was frustrated that she could not buy less than 2 kg of 
flour at a time! This memory brings to mind the question of what other 
lifestyle changes we should be considering, and whether such earthy 
pleasures as baking one's own bread have any significant environmental 

I am not really sure that the years I spent conserving energy really had any 
global impact. I wasn't trying to be ultra-green, I just like to ride a 
bicycle. It would be nice to think that I led by setting a good example, but 
I didn't notice anyone following me. Now if Beckham and Posh took to cycling 
and moved into a small R2 cottage I am sure that would have a salubrious 
effect, but I am not counting on that happening.

Bill Silvert

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry T. Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 9:19 PM

> Just reading Bill Silvert's note about juggling packages along the side
> of the road because of no car and non-use of plastic bags.  It reminds
> me of the sabbatical leave where I was a visiting professor at the
> UH-Manoa.  We lived in Kailua with no car for a full year, but we did
> take our children with us (three of them--note:  my sister as no
> children, so we're still within the 2/family limit) and we did take
> five bicycles with us. While in Hawaii we picked up five plastic milk
> carton containers, one for each of the bikes. The decision as to how
> many children went to the market depended upon the level of the
> shopping trip.  Sometimes it was just myself and my wife, but for a big
> market day, it was the whole family. Outside the store, we would try to
> equally load each of the plastic milk cartons, until there was no room
> in any of them.  Anything else would be bungeed to the top. That
> usually worked pretty well, until the day my wife bought a fifty pound
> bag of rice.  We did get it home.  I also have taken to and from my
> house a car tire (rim, tube, tire) to the gas station to fix a flat. I
> thought I was pretty progressive for an American until I spent a year
> in China, where there I saw just about everything being transported by
> bicycle, including a pig strapped over the back of the bike.
> Although I look back in humor at our year in Hawaii and at what we saw
> in China, I know that in the future, we will have to return to the
> system described above.  I guess I'm ahead of the curve as I've been
> there and done that.
> Cheers,
> Larry
> PS, I also agree with Bill.  Why are we continuing to be selected out
> as exemplars.  Just because we are ecologists, does mean we have to be
> perfect in our actions.
> -- 
> Larry T. Spencer, Professor Emeritus of Biology
> Plymouth State University
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