Dr. Vivian Valencia is looking for presenters to join ICCB 2017 symposium 
below). If you are interested, contact her at vivi...@umich.edu

International Conference for Conservation Biology (ICCB) 2017
July 23-27, 2017 in Cartagena, Colombia

Symposium: Agrobiodiversity, food security, and nutrition

Organizer: Dr. Vivian Valencia (University of Michigan)

Agrobiodiversity—the biological diversity in plant and animal species grown and 
in farms—is essential for food security and nutrition through its influence on 
production and diets, and the ecosystem services it delivers to support 
production. The nutritional and livelihood benefits of biodiverse agricultural 
systems are 
one way of achieving food security. The dominant focus of agricultural research 
policy-making on increasing yields has overlooked nutrition outcomes as well as 
ecological consequences of industrial agriculture. The challenge of designing 
sensitive agricultural systems, which go beyond the dominant focus on yields 
calories, and that follow environmental sustainability principles will require 
collaboration between scientists and practitioners in the fields of ecology, 
and nutrition. 

This session brings together researchers examining the role of agrobiodiversity 
underpinning both nutritious diets and environmentally sustainable agricultural 
systems. The aim is to showcase empirical and theoretical insights to elucidate 
pathways by which agrobiodiversity supports food security and nutrition. The 
discussion aims at rethinking our agricultural systems to design nutritious and 
sustainable food systems. 

Four to five talks are planned to capture how agricultural biodiversity 
influences diet 
quality and food security; agrobiodiversity-dietary diversity relationship 
across spatial 
and temporal scales; new methodologies and metrics to assess nutrition outputs 
agricultural systems; the role of gender equity in mediating the relationship 
agricultural diversity and nutrition; urban agrobiodiversity and food security; 
sustainable diets and agricultural biodiversity; indigenous knowledge, wild 
edibles, and 
nutrition; markets and policies that promote agrobiodiversity and impacts on 
and food security.

Please submit abstracts of 250 words or less to Vivian Valencia 
*by December 7th, 2016.*

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