Computer Science Postdoc position--German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity 
Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher in computer science to 
participate in an initiative to mobilize essential biodiversity data from the 
published literature for use in meta-analysis, biodiversity monitoring and 
evaluation, and the eventual development of a data sharing platform for the 
biodiversity sciences.  A PhD degree in applied computer science or a related 
field is necessary (interest and/or experience in ecoinformatics or 
biodiversity studies is a plus), including expertise in programming and 
database development, data integration, text mining, machine learning, and/or 
natural language processing. Experience in software development and web 
applications would also be useful.  The successful candidate will work as part 
of a team including biodiversity scientists and computer scientists, and 
should be willing to be open-minded, creative and to apply multiple tools to 
address complex problems.  The successful candidate will also be involved in 
some teaching and participation in other activities that help bridge 
biodiversity and computer scientists within the iDiv consortium.

Applications should consist of a single .pdf file including (i) a 2-3 page 
overview of background and skills in both computational and biodiversity 
sciences relevant to this position, (ii) curriculum vitae, and (iv) the names 
and email addresses of three individuals who could provide an evaluation of 
the candidate upon request. Applications should be sent to as a single .pdf with registration number 4-11424/16-D 
in the subject line, addressed to Professor Jon Chase, German Centre for 
Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig; Deutscher Platz 
5e; 04103 Leipzig and are accepted until 20.12.2016.

Full details of the job ad can be found here:

For any questions or to indicate your interest in applying, feel free to 
contact me.

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