Early bird registration rates end Sept. 23 for the 43rd Natural Areas 

Register now to join us in California for the 2016 Natural Areas 
Conference October 18-21, 2016 at the University of California, Davis. 

Our theme is Climate Change Adaptation and Natural Areas Management: 
Turning Words to Action. This event will feature strategies and tactics 
that resource and natural areas managers can employ to prepare for and 
respond to climate change on the ground.

Our keynote speaker is the USDA Forest Service's National Director for 
Rangeland Management and Vegetation Ecology, Allen Rowley. A series of 
California case studies on adaptation will follow. Chris Swanston, 
research ecologist with the U.S. Forest Service Northern Research 
Station, will speak on “Climate Change Tools and Approaches for Land 
Managers," and Healy Hamilton, chief scientist of NatureServe, will 
round out the day speaking on "Current Climate Trends and Climate 
Adaptation Planning in Major Western Vegetation Assemblages."

View the complete conference schedule now at 
http://naturalareasconference.org/schedule. The conference features two 
days of plenary sessions, with some of the world’s top applied 
ecologists and environmental researchers.

You can also view our video invitation by our conference chair, Hugh 
Safford, by following this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

We look forward to seeing you there!

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