Where can scientists build project management and communication skills 
in today’s tricky funding environment?

ESA’s Sustaining Biological Infrastructure Training Initiative can help.

Bring a colleague and get 50% off their course fee!

October 16-18, 2018
Fort Collins, CO

Application deadline: August 17th

What you will learn and do:

Create a business model canvas for your project;
Use a Matrix Map to identify the profitability and mission impact of 
your key activities;

Plan and prioritize your future activities with a Logic Model;

Analyze your stakeholders and make a communication plan;

Assess your project for private funding potential; and

Practice pitching an idea to potential funders.

Our training approach:

We believe in learning by doing.  Our ultimate goal is for you to come 
away from the Strategies for Success course with an action plan and 
enhanced skills to improve your project’s sustainability.  Our faculty 
will present key concepts, but you will spend most of your time  working 
through group case studies to practice using tools and building your 
individual action plan.

Contact j...@esa.org with questions.

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