Some may be interested to watch one or more of Stephen Ceci's videos
discussing his research (with colleagues) on disparities between males and
females with re: participation in math-based fields. His most
recent studies implicate the decision to have children as the main effect.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Simone S. Whitecloud <>
Date: Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 12:03 PM
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Backpacking with an infant?

I'd love to pick up some pointers on how to bring my 3 month old into the
field. I work in the alpine zone, so cool temperatures, wind and rain are
the issue. Any favorite gear items you found helpful? I'm already finding
she is totally soaked by the time we get to the peak from my own sweat. Know
where to buy wool onesies? Tips on packing out dirty diapers?

Thanks for your input,
Simone Whitecloud
PhD Candidate, McPeek Lab
Dartmouth College

clara b. jones

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