Director of the School of Plant and Environmental Science at Virginia Tech

Applications are invited for the position of Founding Director of the School of 
Plant and Environmental Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life 
Sciences at Virginia Tech. Moving through final approval stages, the School of 
Plant and Environmental Sciences will be a national and international leader 
for improving human well-being and quality of life through learning, discovery 
and engagement in plant and environmental sciences. The School’s faculty will 
integrate fundamental discovery as well as applied science to enhance plant and 
soil health, protect water resources and quality, improve food security, design 
intelligent human landscapes, and promote environmental stewardship. The School 
will integrate three outstanding departments that share certain mission 
elements: Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences, Horticulture, and Plant 
Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science. These units already share 
cross-cutting interdisciplinary research, and will be further connected through 
undergraduate curricula and linked graduate programs, as well as through 
statewide research, Extension and Outreach activities. The School will 
initially consist of 86 affiliated faculty, 64 staff, and over 100 graduate 
students, and will have over $8 M in annual research expenditures. The School 
will provide an unparalleled opportunity for interdisciplinary research in the 
food, energy, water nexus as part of a new University focus on Global Systems 
The director will provide leadership for the design and implementation of the 
curricula, infrastructure, and new hires for the School. The responsibilities 
of the Director will be to provide strategic leadership and vision for the 
School, effectively oversee administrative, fiscal and human resource matters, 
advocate with external stakeholders, and pursue development opportunities. In 
addition to those core responsibilities, the Director will actively conduct 
impactful scholarship within the School’s mission. The individual will be hired 
at full Professor rank, with the expectation of tenure.

Applicants must apply online ( 
<>, use posting # TR0170012).  When applying for 
this position, please include in the online application a Curriculum vitae, a 
cover letter summarizing leadership philosophy and vision for the position, 
along with the names of three references who may be contacted. Inquiries 
concerning the position or application process should be directed to Dr. Glenda 
Gillaspy ( <>).  Applications received by 
March 15, 2017, will receive full consideration, but applications will be 
accepted until the position is filled.

Glenda Gillaspy
Professor and Head, Biochemistry
Virginia Tech

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