M.S. Assistantship in Tropical Ecology and Evolution

A Masters assistantship is available in the Department of Biology at 
Georgia Southern University (GSU), with an intended start date in August 
2018.The student will be expected to contribute to and develop a thesis 
project on the evolution of coral snake mimicry. Briefly, this project 
(funded by Operation Wallacea) will study the ecological and 
evolutionary dynamics of coral snake mimicry in Honduras.  The 
successful applicant will be based in the Cox laboratory 
(http://www.coxevolab.org) in the Department of Biology at Georgia 
Southern University.

This project will consist of traveling to and living at the Operation 
Wallacea field stations in Honduras during the summer (beginning summer 
2019). Candidates will be expected to conduct field research, mentor and 
train undergraduates for their research projects, and interact with the 
Operation Wallacea team. Duration of the project is 8-10 weeks, and will 
typically be from late May/early June until August. All costs for 
traveling to Honduras and housing in Honduras will be covered, as well 
as the logistics for travel to and from field sites. 

The successful applicant must be accepted to the Masters of Biology 
program at Georgia Southern University and awarded a graduate teaching 
assistantship. This assistantship includes a tuition waiver and stipend 
for two years to be funded through teaching duties. The applicant will 
complete course work and graduate with a M.S. degree in Biology. The 
student also will assist in the field and lab activities of other 
members of the Cox laboratory (http://www.coxevolab.org/). More 
information about the graduate program can be found at the Biology 
department’s web page (http://cosm.georgiasouthern.edu/biology/graduate-
program-2/). Georgia Southern University is a 27,000-student 
comprehensive research university located in one of the most biodiverse 
regions of the southeastern U.S. (http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/).

Required qualifications include (1) a B.S. in Biology or a related 
field, (2) excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication 
skills, and (3) strong self-motivation and ability to work well 
independently and with a team. Preferred qualifications include (1) 
previous field experience (Latin American tropics would be a plus), (2) 
Spanish language experience and ability,  (3) strong analytical skills 
and (4) demonstrated scientific writing ability, such as authorship of a 
scientific publication, report, or senior thesis. 

To apply, email the following as a single pdf file: (1) statement of 
research background and interests, (2) curriculum vitae or resume, (3) 
names and contact information for three academic or professional 
references, (4) GRE scores, and (5) an unofficial copy of your college 
transcript. Review of applications will begin on 2 March 2018 and 
continue until the position is filled. Inquiries can be addressed to Dr. 
Christian Cox (email: cl...@georgiasouthern.edu).

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