The Gibson lab in the Department of Biology at Georgia Southern University
(GSU) is looking for a MS student in insect evolutionary genetics to begin
Fall 2018. The research focus of the lab is on the genetic/genomic basis of
traits in Hymenopteran insects, particularly metabolic and mitochondrial
physiology. Current projects/systems in the lab include (1) speciation and
evolutionary genetics in *Nasonia* parasitoid wasps (2) behavioral genetics
in honey bees (*Apis mellifera*), and (3) studies investigating the
invasive Argentine ant (*Linepithema humile*). Students are welcome to join
existing projects, but are also encouraged to develop their own questions
within the scope of the lab.

Student support will primarily be in the form of teaching assistantships,
but partial support through research assistantships and summer
supplementation are also available. In addition, there are competitive
fellowships available through the Department and the College of Science and
Mathematics. All students are expected to apply for external funding as

GSU is a 27,000-student comprehensive research university with three
campuses in southeast Georgia ( The
Department of Biology at the Statesboro campus has many resources available
to students, including a new LEED certified research and teaching building,
many possibilities for collaboration with our >40 faculty as well as
outside the department, and facilities for insect rearing, high throughput
sequencing preparation, and microscopy.

Prospective students should have (1) a BS degree in the life sciences, such
as Biology, Entomology, Genetics, Ecology & Evolution, or a related field.
(2) excellent communication skills, both oral and written, and (3) the
ability to work both independently and with a team. Preferred, but not
required, qualifications include (1) experience conducting laboratory
research, particularly in molecular biology (2) analytical skills such as
bioinformatics and/or statistics, and (3) demonstrated scientific
communication skills such as scientific publications or presentations, or a
thesis project.

Students should ensure they meet the academic requirements of the graduate
program at Georgia Southern University (see links below). To apply, contact
Dr. Josh Gibson at with a single PDF file that
includes (1) a statement of research interests and experience (2) a CV or
resume (3) GRE scores if available and (4) names and contact information
for 2 academic or professional references.

The application deadline is April 1, 2018.

Graduate Program

Department of Biology

Joshua D. Gibson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Georgia Southern University
Biology Department
P.O. Box 8042-1
Statesboro, GA 30460

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