SESYNC seeks a Research Assistant to help with computational research and 
publication tracking. Job duties include: research computing support on 
statistical software; data management assistance for resident scientists; 
literature reviews; maintain catalogs of research findings and opportunities on 
our website.

Qualifying candidates will have a bachelor's in a science-related field 
(natural, social, or computer science); demonstrated excellence in 
interpersonal and written communications; coursework or hands-on experience 
with statistical software (e.g., Stata, SAS), programming language (e.g., R, 
python), or advanced spreadsheet use.

Please consider applying or share with colleagues! Applications are due July 
14. Learn more about employment opportunities on our website:<>.


Emily S. Cassidy
Science Communications Coordinator
National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)
University of Maryland
Phone: 410-919-4990

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