Applications now Open! | NSF RCN Workshop on land-ocean connectivity 
along the North American Pacific coast
Aquatic Carbon Biogeochemistry of Coastal Temperate Rainforests
Feb 8 – 10, 2017
Talaris Conference Center, Seattle, WA, USA
Please join us in Seattle, WA, for the inaugural workshop of the newly-
funded NSF Coastal Rainforest Margins Research Network.
We are bringing together a select group of hydrologists, aquatic 
biogeochemists, ecologists, and others interested in processes occurring 
across the land-freshwater-ocean continuum for a small group workshop.  
Our goal is to synthesize the current state of knowledge of freshwater 
carbon biogeochemistry along the Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest 
region into a multi-authored peer reviewed publication, and to solidify 
a scientific community to build a research agenda on processes acting 
across temperate rainforest coastal margins into the future.
Applications are due November 15, 2016 and space is limited to 35 
participants. Some travel funding is available.
To apply, please visit 
Workshop organizers: David Butman (University of Washington), Bill Floyd 
(BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations; 
Vancouver Island University), Eran Hood (University of Alaska Southeast) 
and Suzanne Tank (University of Alberta)
Coastal Rainforest Margins RCN steering committee: Allison Bidlack 
(University of Alaska Southeast), Brian Buma (University of Alaska 
Southeast), David Butman (University of Washington), Sarah Bisbing 
(California Polytechnic State University), Dave D’Amore (US Forest 
Service), Brian Hunt (University of British Columbia; Hakai Institute), 
Suzanne Tank (University of Alberta), Ian Giesbrecht (Hakai Institute)

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