*Apologies for Cross-posting*

Dear RSA Members & Friends,

Georgia Tech’s Centre for Urban Innovation are hosting the Regional Studies 
Association’s 2nd North America conference taking place between 15th – 17th 
June 2016. The deadline for abstract submission is 21st April 2016, many of you 
have promised to submit your abstracts so now is the time to do so! Click 
here<https://members.regionalstudies.org/lounge/Meetings/Meeting?ID=132> to 
submit an abstract and register. Click 
 for more information about the conference.

Cities & Regions: Managing Growth & Change is shaping up to be a stimulating 
and interesting conference; we’d love to have you there. We have some 
interesting sessions planned and there will be great networking opportunities 
at our social events. If you would like to know more about the city of Atlanta 
and what it has to offer please click 

If I can offer any further information or assistance please do not hesitate to 
contact me.

I hope to see you in Atlanta!

Best wishes


Lesa Reynolds
Project Manager - Events & Membership

Please note my working hours are Monday – Friday 08:00 – 16:00


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Take advantage of your RSA 
membership<http://www.regionalstudies.org/membership>. Apply for 
Research<http://www.regionalstudies.org/research> & 
Funding<http://www.regionalstudies.org/funding> opportunities. Sign up to our 
E-bulletin<http://www.regionalstudies.org/news> for the latest news.

Regional Studies Association<http://www.regionalstudies.org/>
Company: 04116288 Charity: 1084165
T: +44(0)1323 899698 F: +44(0)1323 899798
25 Clinton Place, Seaford, East Sussex (UK) BN25 1NP

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