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Dear list members,

On the 16th March 2021, 13h-14h GMT, Vincent 
 (Royal Holloway) will present to the FinGeo Virtual Seminar Series. His talk 
is entitled : “Remittances and Financial Inclusion: Contested Geographies of 
Marketisation in Senegal and Ghana” and the session will be chaired by David 

Please register (for free) at the Regional Studies Assoc. website: 


Vincent Guermond is a Research Associate at Royal Holloway, University of 
London. He is involved in a Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) study in 
Cambodia and India (Tamil Nadu) which is taking a gendered lens to explore the 
relationship between climate resilience, credit-taking, and nutrition. Prior to 
joining Royal Holloway, Vincent completed his PhD at Queen Mary University of 
London (QMUL). His PhD thesis explores a global migration-development agenda 
that aims to leverage remittances for development by incorporating remittance 
flows and households into global financial circuits. Based upon ten months of 
fieldwork in Senegal and Ghana, his research foregrounds a ‘hybrid’ 
understanding of uneven and contested geographies of financial incorporation in 
the global South that requires an integrative approach across economic, 
financial and development geography.

Title: Remittances and financial inclusion: contested geographies of 
Marketisation in Senegal and Ghana

Abstract: Arising from the consensus that remittances are now one of the most 
important sources to finance development, the last fifteen years have witnessed 
the emergence of a Global Remittance Agenda (GRA) that encourages the 
incorporation of remittances as well as their senders and recipients into 
global finance. Critical analyses of the GRA have emerged over the past few 
years calling into question the market-based approach to the project and its 
prioritising of the political and financial concerns of a broad coalition of 
global and national actors over the needs of migrant men and women and the 
people they send remittances to. While being sympathetic to these political 
economy takes on the ‘financialisation of remittances’, I question the extent 
to which remittances, as well as remittance senders and recipients, can be 
qualified as financialised yet. More specifically, I argue that little is said 
in the existing literature about the intricate and grounded operations that are 
required for such projects to materialise, leaving finance and the concrete 
formation of (remittance) markets black-boxed. Drawing upon research with 
institutional and private sector actors involved in the remittance, finance and 
FinTech industry as well as with remittance recipients in Senegal and Ghana, I 
make two key arguments. First, I put a light on the technical, legal, financial 
and behavioural engineering that is necessary for remittance markets to realise 
and show that these market-making processes are contingent, fragile, contested 
and always in the making. Second, I show how attempts at marketising 
remittances lead to processes of domestication, subversion and dissent from a 
various set of actors, including remittance recipients.

To register (for free) please go to the RSA website: 

The virtual seminar will be held online on the 16 March 2021, 13h-14hGMT.

For more in the Fin Geo Virtual Seminar Series please go to: 


Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

P.S. I am taking partial parental leave on Fridays

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