Call for Papers:  AAG 2012, New York, 24th – 28th February:
*Biofuels, Food and the Bio-based Economy*

*Session Organizers: Kean Birch (York University) and Stefano Ponte (Danish
Institute for International Studies)*

*Session Outline:*

Climate change, sustainability and the idea of 'greening' or 'transitioning'
the economy have risen and fallen as public and policy concerns over the
last few years. The high water-mark of 2009 when these issues were at the
forefront of the public agenda has since given way to a slump in interest in
the aftermath of the Copenhagen Summit, rising economic uncertainty and the
continuing scepticism / denial about the importance of climate change. All
this has led to a crisis of confidence in the 'green' movement, despite the
growth of initiatives, projects and policies with the purported aim to
ensure the sustainability of the planet.

Biofuels represent one such agenda aimed at achieving sustainability and a
transition away from a petroleum-based economy to a bio-based economy, at
least in their supporters' eyes. Critics of biofuels, on the other hand,
highlight several problematic socio-ecological issues with their
implementation, the most notable being the impact that changing land-use
patterns has on access to food and to good agricultural land. These critical
voices illustrate how particular neoliberal, market-based mechanisms and
instruments construct nature and natural resources in certain ways: as
scarce and over-used; as abundant and free; as eco-efficient and renewable;
and so on. Technoscience plays a significant part in this process with the
expectation that the development of new generations of biofuels will resolve
many existing problems with the current crop.

The enrolment of technoscience can be seen as part of a broader shift from
an ecological fix associated with 1st generation biofuels to a technological
fix offered by 2nd generation biofuels derived from modern biotechnological
knowledges. Although the application of modern biotechnology to agriculture
has been a strongly contested political terrain, evident in protests against
GMOs, it is now being represented as essential tool for any transition to a
greener political economy. However, it is not clear how significant
biotechnology will be in producing a transition to a bio-based economy. The
reconfiguration of our existing fuel and food value chains is likely to be
dramatic, quite literally creating new socio-ecological landscape around us.
These are likely to entail not only human protest but are also likely to
encounter ecological recalcitrance as we seek to craft nature's

All these issues raise a series of questions that geographers, of different
stripes, are well-placed to answer. We highlight a few questions here in
order to encourage people to contribute to the session, others will
obviously be relevant as well.


1.     (Re-)valuing Plants: Making biomass into a resource
What are the new (and existing) sites and landscapes of biomass cultivation?

How has biomass been made into a resource?
Has the construction of biomass as a resource resulted in different
environmental impacts and implications for different places?

2.     Neoliberal Natures: Markets, sustainability and biofuels
What role do different policy instruments (e.g. subsidies, mandates etc.)
play in constructing markets for biofuels?
How are these markets meant to account for the sustainability of biofuels
(e.g. sustainability criteria, carbon foortprint, carbon debt etc.)?
Are there particular geographies to the different accounts and discourses
(e.g. certification, labelling etc.) of sustainability?

3.    The Emerging Bio-economy: Exit from a crisis?
How does the emerging bioeconomy relate to the ecological crisis in
What are the geographies of the transition from a petroleum-based to a
bio-based economy?
Does the bioeconomy offer us the opportunity to 'green' capitalism?

4.    From Ecological to Technological Fix: The evolution of biofuels
Are the geographies of biofuels changing in response to new technoscientific
How has technoscience been enrolled in the expansion of biofuels as a
solution to socio-natural problems?
What are the implications of a shift from 'first' to 'second' generation

5.    Bio-value Chains: The reconfiguration of biofuel value chains
How are biofuel value chains being reconfigured?
What are the geographies of these reconfigurations?
Does the reconfiguration of value chains reflect the flow of values in
humans / non-humans relations?

6.    Food for Fuel: Commodities, financial speculation and food injustice
What are the geographies of land-use change in response to biofuels?
How are different peoples contesting the transformation of food into fuel?
In what ways do new technoscientific developments encourage food

*Session Participation:*

People wanting to submit papers, please submit an abstract (250 words max)
by email to both organisers by 1st September 2011.

People wanting to participate in other ways (e.g. discussant), please
contact the organisers by email as well.

*Session organisers:*

Kean Birch (York University, Toronto)
Stefano Ponte (Danish Institute for International Studies)


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