On The Limits of Knowing: Ignorance, Promises and Political Economy of Knowledge December 29, 2016 <https://politicaleconomyoftechnoscience.wordpress.com/2016/12/29/on-the-limits-of-knowing-ignorance-promises-and-political-economy-of-knowledge/>

         *Dates*: August 29 & 30, 2017**

         *Location*: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA

         *Organizer*: Mark Robinson, Creighton University School of

         *Website:* http://tinyurl.com/jbf8afp


         How do we make sense of the increasing role of ignorance or
         problematic facts in knowledge regimes? The social mechanics
         of truth and knowledge have been a central concern within
         Science, Technology and Society (STS). Yet, the engineering of
         ignorance and the sense of an increasing imperviousness to
         facts/knowledge show brightly the limits of analytical
         approaches to science, technology, and innovation that ignore
         the role of political economy in contemporary knowledge
         practices. Important questions about the shaky status of facts
         — and the vicissitudes of knowers — emerge in a panoply of
         contexts: in the spread and purchase of myths through digital
         platforms; in the growing acknowledgement of large-scale
         scientific irreproducibility / unreliability; in the
         increasingly commercial imperatives placed upon academic
         knowledge production; and as highlighted in recent anxieties
         about strategic public ignorance and global democratic
         politics. In each context, one sees the fragility of
         approaches that assume that we are all rational actors working
         with — or even beholden to — uncompromised facts.

         Considerations of agnotology–the area concerned with the
         emergence, use, and instrumentalization of ignorance—has
         become rather urgent in light of recent sociopolitical events
         marked by the sense of an increasing imperviousness to formal
         modes of knowledge and knowing, reflecting what some have
         termed, a post-truth <http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-37995600>,
         post-factual society. Breathless critics point to seismic U.S.
         and global political shifts such as Brexit, the recent U.S.
         elections, and the rise of the far right in Europe as evidence
         of a mounting epistemic crisis — an unceremonious dethroning
         of truth, facts, and rationality.

         Yet, and perhaps paradoxically, these epistemic crises also
         show the power and purchase of alternative universes of
         knowing  — alternative worlds replete with their own logics,
         beliefs, and systems of veridiction and value. It also brings
         into view the way that unstable, complex or problematic
         knowledge works in tandem with or as a key component within
         larger social and economic paradigms. Agnotology (Proctor and
         Schiebinger 2008) references the “cultural inducement” of
         ignorance and false knowledge. However, what the agnotological
         impulse also reveals, especially in its more postmodern sense
         (Mirowski 2013), is the glaring limits of knowledge models
         that willfully ignore the technologies and techniques that
         enable and engineer ignorance and the subsequent
         instrumentalizing or capitalization of problematic,
         unverified, contested or merely promised//knowledge. In this
         world, gilded visions of social, political and technological
         futures obscure long, flagrant histories of failed promises;
         empirically impossible promises are conferred the status of
         actualizable futures. Ways of mapping or understanding
         technoscience and innovation that rely on decontextualized
         epistemic assumptions reproduce a long debunked strain of
         determinism whereby facts and knowledge are understood to be
         the primary animating force that powers decisions, behaviors,
         institutions, emergence and belief. Perhaps, even the notion
         of agnotology itself performs such a determinism by treating
         ignorance as /marginal/– as rare, rather than prolific or
         perhaps, inherent to knowledge practices. At the same time,
         the recent focus on issues of value and valuation returns our
         attention to the ways that knowledge practices operate as
         sites for the engineering and enactment of particular values
         (Dussage, et al 2015) in a variety of domains from global
         health (Adams, et al 2016) to the global bioeconomy (Birch
         2016). In each case, value(s) warrant intervening and
         transforming knowledge systems and infrastructures.

         For political economic analyses of knowledge change, knowledge
         has always been inextricable from the economic and political.
         Larger considerations of culture, sociopolitical systems and
         economic formations (Lave, et al 2010) were inextricable from
         theorizations of technoscience, knowledge programs and
         political ideologies. Much like the agnotological lens,
         political economy necessarily redirects our analyses towards
         institutions, economic imperatives, charismatic actors,
         culture and myth, promissory economies, the cultivation of
         susceptible subjects, the strategic use of complexity, and the
         workings of political systems as key components in the
         analysis of knowledge modes, especially as they animate
         technoscience and innovation. Yet, perhaps our attention ought
         to consider the challenge of changing knowers. More than ever,
         recent events have brought into relief the role of knowers’
         /orientations/ (Beckert 2016; Harding 1993; Robinson,
         forthcoming) in analyses of knowledge transformation.

         We invite papers that explore a wide range of approaches to
         these themes, including the following:


             The Precarity of the Expert / The Fact


             Freedom from Expertise / The Politics of Expertise


             Values and Valuation in Science, Technology and Medicine


             The Risks of Knowing & Knowledge


             The Economics of the Unknown / Known


             Evaluating Unstable or Unproven Knowledge


             The Geography of Alternative Knowledge


             Diverse Knowers and Knowing / Feminist Knowledge


             New Approaches in Social Epistemology


             Fruitful Falsehoods / Meaningless Facts / The Politics of


             Commercial Imperatives in Research and Innovation


             Scientific Ambiguity and Environmental Science


             Pharmaceutical Markets / Clinical Ambiguity


             Social Media & The Geography of Rumours


             Complexity and Scientific Decision-making

         Exploring case studies from science, technology, medicine as
         well as economics and innovation, this workshop aims to bring
         together a broad range of scholarship across a variety of
         fields and approaches.

         Please send proposals and questions to *both *MarkRobinson (@)
         creighton.eduand EmmaWojnicki [@]creighton.edu. Send abstracts
         by February 18, 2017.

         *Advisory Panel:*

 * Kean Birch <http://www.keanbirch.net/>, York University, Canada
 * Pierre Delvenne
   Université de Liège, Belgium
 * Ine Van Hoyweghen
   <http://www.kuleuven.be/wieiswie/en/person/00013249>, KU Leuven, Belgium
 * Rebecca Lave <http://geography.indiana.edu/faculty/lave.shtml>,
   Indiana University Bloomington, USA
 * David Tyfield
   Lancaster University, UK
 * Samantha Vanderslott
   <https://www.ucl.ac.uk/sts/students/Vanderslott>, UCL, UK

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