[image: http://www.memphis.edu/plannersnetwork/]

April 25, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

As May approaches, the Local Host Committee for the 2011 Planners Network
International Conference is very excited about this year’s conference!

Among the highlights of this year’s conference will be:

·         A discussion of “Planning in the Face of Austerity, Resistance,
and Hysteria” featuring Peter Marcuse, Bill Goldsmith, Pierre Clavel and

·         The Mid-South premier of Canadian Aparteid – a new documentary
film exploring race, class and diversity in Canadian cities by Leonie

·         A showing of the award-winning documentary film “I Am a Man”
highlighting the epic struggle of Memphis’ sanitation workers which brought
Dr. King to our city followed by a discussion of contemporary labor rights

·         Twenty-six breakout sessions focused on a broad range of
contemporary planning issues including: sustainable planning and design,
affordable housing, alternative transportation, urban food systems, planning
student activism, and immigrants’ rights

·         Six neighborhood planning and design charettes in which conference
attendees will provide planning and design advice to local activists
struggling with “wicked” advocacy planning issues

·         An evening of American soul food and music at the STAX Museum of
American Soul Music where Aretha, Otis, Isaac, Sam, Dave, Steve, Mavis and
others made intergalactic music history

·         A poster session highlighting various forms of contemporary
professional practice

·         Tours of historic downtown Memphis, the city’s new six-mile
greenway by bike, the National Civil Rights Museum and Graceland because as
all Memphians know – ELVIS LIVES!

So, take a few minutes to check out the PN conference website, (
http://conferences.memphis.edu/plannersnetwork/  ), review your May schedule
and register for this year’s Planners Network Conference! At a time when
very conservative forces are mounting a serious attack on government, public
employees, and planning we need to show our support for and commitment to
progressive urban and regional policies and participatory planning methods.
Do this by attending the 2011 Planners Network International Conference in
Memphis – home of the triumphant Memphis Grizzlies who just vanquished the
Spurs from this year’s NBA Playoffs and the city voted one of the Best
Cities for Young Artists (
http://flavorwire.com/169898/the-best-cities-for-young-artists/7#post_body )
– something Elvis, BB, Johnny, Isaac, Booker T, and Jerry Lee figured out
some time ago!

So, pack up your fellow progressive planners and designers in the Winnebago
and join us in the Bluff City on May 18th for the year’s best planning

With warm regards,

Ken Reardon

Professor and Director of the Graduate Division of City and Regional

Chair, 2011 Planners Network International Conference Planning Committee

Jessica Buttermore

Administrative Associate

School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy

208 McCord Hall

The University of Memphis


Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning & Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032
E-mail: norma.rant...@gmail.com

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