Dear Colleague
We are writing to invite you to contribute to a special issue of Research 
Policy titled  “Citizens of Nowhere? Migration, Research, and Innovation” (call 
for papers attached and here<>).

This special issue aims to bring together scholars working on migration, 
innovation or development, and with an interest in the economics and management 
of knowledge diffusion, the relationship between innovation and development or 
the emerging role of organizations such as multinational companies and higher 
education institutions in structuring scientists’ and engineers’ migration 
flows (more details in the call for papers).

We believe that the proposed topics may fit with your research interests and/or 
of scholars in your personal network. Please do not hesitate to diffuse or to 
contact us for further information.

Andrea Morrison

On behalf of:
Stefano Breschi
Cornelia Lawson
Francesco Lissoni
Andrea Morrison
Ammon Salter
Research Policy Special issue guest editors

Met vriendelijke groet, Kind regards

Andrea Morrison

Andrea Morrison| Head of the Economic Urban Transitions unit | Associate 
Professor of Economic Geography | Faculty of Geosciences | Utrecht University | 
Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht | Room 6.29 | T. +31 (0)30 253 1368 | F. +31 
(0)30 2532037 |<> | |
Associate Editor
Industry and Innovation<>
Just out in European Economic Review
The Made-In Effect and Leapfrogging: a Model of Leadership Change for Products 
with Country-of-Origin 

Just out in Research Policy
Climbing the ladder of technological 
Gradual catch up and enduring leadership in the global wine 

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