** With apologies for cross-posting** 


Interested in the overall state of the art of the discipline of economic
geography and what world leading scholars in the field think about it? 


Then you shouldn't miss this panel discussion at the Global Conference on
Economic Geography this week in Cologne:


Economic Geography: From Fragmented Pluralism to an Integrative Paradigm?


Thursday July 26, 11:50 - 13:10, H80, Philosophikum (1) 

Panel Organizers:

Robert Hassink (Kiel University) and

Huiwen Gong (Kiel University)

Kendra Strauss (Simon Fraser University)

Henry Yeung (National University of Singapore)

Michael Storper (LSE, UCLA, Sciences Po Paris)

Ron Boschma (Utrecht University) 


Over the last twenty years, modern economic geography has been increasingly
fragmented concerning its themes, on the one hand, and its schools of
thought, perspectives and paradigms, on the other. Concerning the latter, we
have currently no fewer than four paradigms in the relatively small
sub-discipline: Evolutionary Economic Geography, Relational Economic
Geography, Institutional Economic Geography and Geographical Political
Economy. Most of these paradigms are highly influenced by economics, in
particular by heterodox economics, a fuzzy and heterogeneous group of
approaches that mainly shares a critical stance to mainstream economics.
Although there have been arguments in favor of engaged pluralism, what we
see in reality is mainly fragmented pluralism. Fragmented pluralism can be
problematic for the identification with the sub-discipline and the exchange
with neighboring social disciplines. The panel session aims at discussing,
first the reasons of fragmented pluralism, and secondly, potential solutions
to solve this problem. These potential solutions include engaged pluralism,
the domination of one of the existing paradigms, such as geographical
political economy or the launching of an integrative paradigm of economic
geography. By approaching both representatives of the different paradigms as
well as some observers of the overall sub-discipline, we expect a lively,
relevant and badly needed debate about economic geography's state of the
art, core and identity.





Robert Hassink

Professor of Economic Geography

Dept. of Geography, Kiel University

Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 9

24098 Kiel, Germany

tel. 0049-431-880-2951

fax 0049-431-880-5290

e-mail:  <mailto:hass...@geographie.uni-kiel.de>



Visiting Professor in the School of Geography, Politics & Sociology (Centre
for Urban & Regional Development Studies (CURDS)), Newcastle University, UK



ResearchGate Profile: Robert Hassink



Google Scholar Profile: Robert Hassink



Publons Profile: Robert Hassink






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