Dear Colleagues,

The Cambridge Review of International Affairs is planning a Special Issue on 

Please see the call for papers below and do get in touch with me by the end of 
next month at the latest if you would be interested in contributing to this 
exciting venture.

And please circulate this call further as appropriate.


Justin Rosenberg
Professor of International Relations
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9RH
(0)1273 606755 x7452;;sdata=f2palDdTldFw%2F7B8eg03Uemddjk5wYyV1hsCkZScrTs%3D&amp;reserved=0<;;sdata=4d0FFOUgu7Y30k0CWcILFZNzyQGk2dxgNatvaGQoXIo%3D&amp;reserved=0>

Call for Papers:
Cambridge Review of International Affairs,
Special Issue on ‘Uneven and Combined Development Today’
The idea of Uneven and Combined Development was first formulated by the Russian 
revolutionary Leon Trotsky. Long neglected, it was revived in the 1990s by 
scholars who saw its unique potential for integrating the significance of 
international relations into social theory – see;;sdata=f2palDdTldFw%2F7B8eg03Uemddjk5wYyV1hsCkZScrTs%3D&amp;reserved=0<;;sdata=4d0FFOUgu7Y30k0CWcILFZNzyQGk2dxgNatvaGQoXIo%3D&amp;reserved=0>.
  This revival has now been underway for twenty-five years, opening up a major 
new research programme in International Relations and beyond.
The Cambridge Review of International Affairs hosted some of the earliest 
contemporary debates on UCD, and is now planning a Special Issue to take stock 
of this research programme and consider future directions.
We invite proposals for standalone articles of up to 9,000 words which either 
apply UCD directly or consider its significance for any given field of study. 
We have a special interest in articles that open up new applications for the 
idea – for example, in relation to gender, climate change, world literature, 
decoloniality and so on. But we welcome all proposals that advance or apply UCD 
in any field.
Please send enquiries or expressions of interest (preferably with an abstract 
of 250 words) by November 30th to Justin Rosenberg at<>. The deadline for 
submissions is April 30th. Articles will be published online following 
acceptance, and then assembled in the printed Special Issue thereafter.

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