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Call for Papers Canadian Association of Geographers’ Annual Meeting

New Research in Feminist Economic Geographies
Organizers: E. Alkim Karaagac (University of Waterloo) & Nancy Worth 
(University of Waterloo)

Feminist theoretical and empirical interventions in economic geography have 
expanded the range of economic subjects, spaces and activities—beyond the 
traditional notions of waged labour, formal workspace and production for a 
capitalist market (Nagar et al., 2002). By positing economics as relational, 
contextualized, embodied and realized through practices, feminist scholars have 
set the stage for an alternative language, theory and praxis of 
‘non-capitalism’ (Massey, 1997; McDowell, 2007; Gibson-Graham 1996, 2008). They 
have made important contributions to ‘re-thinking the economy’ in economic 
geography, by engaging with questions of social and environmental justice in 
struggles over public goods, practices of commoning, and recently revitalized 
debates on post-growth economies.

This call for papers aims to contribute to long lasting feminist interventions 
and innovations in economic geography by exploring new research in feminist 
economic geographies, informed by lived realities. In particular, we are 
seeking conceptual, theoretical, empirical, political, and methodological 
contributions that engage with, but are not limited to, the following areas:

Understanding labour and work under neoliberalism
- Feminized labour and labour precarity
- Gendered work and changing relationships to work
- Reproductive and domestic labour, and their connections to the ‘economic’
- Examinations of unpaid work—including interning, volunteering, care

Encountering economic restructuring in the post-crisis era
- Coping with crises and negotiating austerity
- Everyday financial practices, lived experiences of credit and debt
- Financialization of social reproduction and crises of care
- Politics and actions around alternatives/ ways of surviving

Navigating conceptual and theoretical frontiers
- Re-imagining units of analysis, scales of measurement and subjectivities in 
economic geography
- Developing intersectional research on environmental/climate justice, value 
creation, wealth and income, financialization and dispossession
- Engaging with concepts of diverse economies, cruel optimism, precariousness, 
radical vulnerability, commoning, digitality and futurity

Please send paper abstracts (max 250 words), including the title of the 
proposed contribution, name of the author(s), and contact information to Alkim 
Karaagac (eakar...@uwaterloo.ca<mailto:eakar...@uwaterloo.ca>) by March 13th, 


E. Alkim Karaagac (she/her/hers)
Ph.D. Candidate, Research Assistant
Department of Geography and Environmental Management
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave W, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1

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