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On behalf of Jason Jolley.
Mid-Continent Regional Science Association
51st Annual Conference
IMPLAN 13th Biennial National User’s Conference

~ June 3-5, 2020 ~ Bloomington, Minnesota ~

Call for Papers

The MCRSA will hold its 51st Annual Conference together with the IMPLAN 13th 
Biennial National User’s Conference June 3-5, 2020 at The Hilton 
Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America 
 in Bloomington, Minnesota. The hotel offers complimentary shuttle service to 
and from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport and is located near such attractions 
as the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, the Mall of America, and the 
Twin Cities Light Rail transit system to take you anywhere in the metro area.
The program committee welcomes individual papers and organized sessions on a 
wide range of topics relating to applied economics, planning, geography, 
business, public administration, sociology, and political science.
The deadline for abstract submission is April 1, 2020.

Hotel Reservations:
The Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America Hotel
3800 American Boulevard East · Bloomington, Minnesota 55425
Tel: 952-854-2100
Toll Free: 1-800-HILTONS
The conference room rate is $159 per night. The conference room rate will be 
honored three days before and after the conference. Onsite self-parking is 
complimentary for conference attendees. Complimentary shuttle service from and 
to the airport is available. To make a reservation, call  1-800-HILTONS and 
mention the Mid-Continent Regional Science Association (MCRSA) conference. You 
can reserve your room online by clicking 

The cutoff date for the conference room rate is May 11, 2020

MCRSA Surcharge for Participants Not Staying at the Conference Hotel to Booking 
Outside the Conference Block

Note that attendees who do not register for an overnight stay at the conference 
hotel, The Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America Hotel, or who 
book outside the conference room block, will incur an additional conference 
registration surcharge of $150. This surcharge does not apply to students or to 
attendees with a local business address, i.e. the Twin Cities area.
2020 M. Jarvin Emerson Student Paper Competition
The deadline for submission is April 1, 2020

The Mid-Continent Regional Science Association announces the Student Paper 
Competition for our 2020 conference (June 3-5) in Bloomington, Minnesota. All 
students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs as of January 1, 
2020 are eligible. Student papers dealing with all aspects of regional 
development, including cultural, physical and economic processes, are welcome. 
The first place winner will receive $1,000 and the M. Jarvin Emerson Award. The 
winning entry will also be considered for publication in the Association’s 
journal, The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy. Only papers authored solely 
by students (i.e., no faculty co-authored papers) will be eligible for the 
competition and resulting publication. Addition information can be found at 

North Central Regional Center for Rural Development
Graduate Student Travel Grants to the MCRSA Conference
The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) at Michigan 
State University is partnering with the MCRSA to strengthen research capacity 
in the North Central Region. We’re doing so by offering a limited number of 
MCRSA conference travel grants to graduate students from NCRCRD member 
institutions. Students can request up to $500 to pay eligible travel-related 
expenses. Only M.S. and Ph.D. graduate students from NCRCRD-member institutions 
are eligible for these awards.
Information about the MCRSA conference is at:

John Leatherman
Office of Local Government
Department of Agricultural Economics
Kansas State University
223 Waters Hall
1603 Old Claflin Place
Manhattan, KS 66506

Phone: 785-532-4492
Fax: 785-532-6925
E-mail: jleat...@ksu.edu<mailto:jleat...@ksu.edu>

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