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If interested, please send an abstract in the next few days.

Call for papers, special session 'The process of Metropolisation: Reconfiguring 
the city at the regional scale'

American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 5 - 9 April 2017, 
Boston, USA.

Special session organizers:
Dr Rodrigo Cardoso, Delft University of Technology 
Dr Evert J. Meijers, Delft University of Technology 

A reconfiguration of cities at larger territorial scales is underway. Formerly 
separate urban centres expand or coalesce into vast and interconnected urban 
regions, in a process of restructuring of economic activity, spatial forms and 
flows that some researchers have tried to capture under the concept of 
'metropolisation'. The processes underlying this transformation are tripartite: 
spatial processes of coalescence, expansion and connection contribute to 
gradually integrate (functionally, institutionally and culturally) cities into 
larger entities; the socio-spatial qualities and features once attributed to 
the 'city' are reconstructed by citizens, firms and institutions at the scale 
of that urban region; and policymakers and planners develop strategies towards 
that goal. Such processes of urban region formation have become important for 
policy, not only to respond to the spatial transformations of the territory, 
but also because the alleged benefits of size and agglomeration can arguably be 
achieved through integration with larger territorial scales. Deeply integrated 
and networked urban regions can try to organise agglomeration economies 
comparable to single, large conurbations of comparable size. Therefore, we can 
understand metropolisation not so much as cities dissolving into loose urban 
regions, but rather urban regions consolidating as extensive cities.
But urban regions are not just constructed by functional or economic processes. 
They involve long-term historical processes of spatial and social change, which 
leave behind territorial and socioeconomic fault-lines. The complexity of urban 
regions and their integration processes demand a re-examination of issues of 
governance, metropolitan identity-building, inter-city cooperation, shapes and 
actors of formal and informal networks, inequality and segregation, 
infrastructural and functional configurations, among many others.
As we acknowledge new dimensions of metropolitan integration, more unanswered 
questions emerge. The purpose of this session is to start sketching answers to 
some of them. Seeking to understand the process of metropolisation, we invite 
contributions that address the topics below:

-      The rise of new metropolitan entities, from relatively small clusters of 
cities to the mega-city region scale.

-      Interdependencies between functional, institutional and cultural aspects 
of metropolitan integration.

-      Identity-building at the metropolitan scale; the role of mobility, the 
built environment, symbols, media or urban visions of the future.

-      Cross-border metropolitan integration.

-      Historical long-term processes of metropolitan integration, locked-in 
relations and imaginations, and their bearing on urban regions today.

-      The democratic legitimacy of metropolitan governance; functional areas 
versus administrative boundaries.

-      Place-making at the metropolitan scale; policy, urban design, 

-      Regional city networks and agglomeration economies.

-      The benefits and costs of metropolisation; social, environmental, 

Both conceptual and empirical papers are welcome, as are case studies or more 
comparative papers.

Interested participants should send an expression of interest, questions and/ 
or title and abstract of 250 words or less to Rodrigo Cardoso 
(r.o.v.card...@tudelft.nl<mailto:r.o.v.card...@tudelft.nl>) or Evert Meijers 
(e.j.meij...@tudelft.nl<mailto:e.j.meij...@tudelft.nl>) by October 10, 2016. 
Participants will be notified by October 14 if their paper has been accepted 
for the session. They will then need to register for the conference and submit 
their abstract through the AAG website. Please forward your registration code 
(PIN) to us after you have submitted the abstract (by October 24).

Kind regards,

Evert Meijers

TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture and The Built Environment
OTB - Research for the Built Environment
Building 8 - room BG.WEST.720
Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft
PO Box 5043, 2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands

T +31 (0)6 28616571 or +31 (0)15 27 87892
E e.j.meij...@tudelft.nl<mailto:e.j.meij...@tudelft.nl>
W http://staff.tudelft.nl/E.J.Meijers/

Board member Urban Studies Foundation

Recent publications:
Meijers, Burger (2016) Stretching the concept of 'borrowed size' - Urban 
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0042098015597642

Goess, De Jong, Meijers (2016) City branding in polycentric urban regions: 
identification, profiling and transformation in the Randstad and Rhine-Ruhr - 
European Planning Studies

Meijers (2016) Desenvolvimento Policêntrico na Europa: Uma reflexão crítica 
sobre um conceito de políticas normativas - Boletim Regional, Urbano e 

Cardoso, Meijers (2016) Contrasts between first-tier and second-tier cities in 
Europe: a functional perspective - European Planning Studies
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2015.1120708

Burger, Meijers (2016) Agglomerations and the Rise of Urban Network 
Externalities - Papers in Regional Science;
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pirs.12223

Meijers, Burger, Hoogerbrugge (2016) Borrowing size in networks of cities: City 
size, network connectivity and metropolitan functions in Europe - Papers in 
Regional Science;
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pirs.12181

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