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From: Graduate Faculty in Geography [] On Behalf 
Of Peter Vandergeest
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2018 10:17 AM
Subject: Fully Funded Graduate Student Opportunities at York University


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Fully Funded Graduate Student Opportunities in Geography at York University


The Geography Graduate Program at York University in Toronto is recruiting up 
to 20 MA, MSc, and PhD students for 2019.  We are offering full funding 
packages to all students, and excellent opportunities for research support 
through faculty research projects and other sources of fieldwork funding, 
including research centres 
( and the Faculty of 
Graduate Studies.  As one of Canada's top Geography Graduate Programs, we aim 
to attract excellent graduate students who fit our research-oriented graduate 
program.  Potential students can find more information about our programs and 
funding on our website:   

Our basic funding package provides minimum guarantees with respect to annual 
income that are designed to be equivalent to or better than those offered by 
other Canadian universities.  This includes excellent packages for Masters as 
well as PhD students.  Students with high academic merit are also eligible for 
various scholarships.

Current faculty research projects in the Geography Graduate Program that are 
currently recruiting students are listed below.  Additional details are 
provided on our website 

>From Entrepreneurship to Rentiership? The Changing Dynamics of Innovation in 
>Technoscientific Capitalism (2018-2023).  Examines the extent, manifestation, 
>and policy implications of ‘rentiership’ San Francisco, South East England; 
>and Toronto.  Faculty Contact:  Kean Birch

The Famine Generation in Toronto: Poverty, Crime, and Place 1847-1882 
(2018-2022).  Concerns the lives of a subset of the immigrant men, women, and 
children who departed Ireland for Toronto in and around the years of the Great 
Potato Famine (1845-1851). Faculty Contact: William Jenkins

Spaces of labour in moments of urban populism (2015-2021).  This project is 
recruiting both MA and PhD students.  Explores labour's response to and role in 
shaping urban populism in four North American cities and involves students as 
part of the research team. Faculty Contact: Steve Tufts

Urbanization, gender and the global south: a transformative knowledge network 
(2017-23). MA and PhD students; includes research assistant positions.  
Conducting research, public education and policy enrichment in seven cities 
(Cairo, Cochabamba, Georgetown (Guyana), Ibadan, Mumbai, Ramallah, and 
Shanghai), to advance understanding of how the relationship between poverty and 
inequality is being transformed, focusing on how this is reconstituting gender 
relations and women’s right to the city.  Faculty Contact:  Linda Peake.

Long-term perspectives on lake ecosystem change with thawing permafrost 
(2017-22).  Recruiting MSc and exceptional PhD students, fully funded thesis 
research, motivated students with an interest in limnology and Arctic 
environmental change are encouraged to apply. Investigates how lakes are 
changing in response to thawing permafrost in the Taiga Plains and Mackenzie 
Delta Uplands regions (Northwest Territories), using lake sediment cores as 
natural archives of long-term environmental change.  Faculty Contact:  Jennifer 

Bruce Peninsula forest canopy impacts on the water and carbon budgets 
(2018-20).  Our field measurement program records the profound effects that the 
eastern white cedar forests of the Bruce Peninsula have on rainfall 
interception and CO2 emissions from the forest floor through methods that 
incorporate remote sensing and GIS.  Faculty Contact: Richard Bello

Causes and implications of sea-Ice decline on Hudson Bay. Using reanalysis 
model results we are examining monthly changes in the surface radiation and 
energy balance components on Hudson from 1979 to the present, to quantify the 
factors responsible for disappearing sea ice. Faculty Contact: Richard Bello

To stay or not to stay:  The geographies of immigrant integration, 
transnationalism, and return migration intentions among African immigrants in 
Canada (2017-22). This study examines the return intentions of African 
immigrants in Canada, drawing on the experiences of Ghanaians and Somalis in 
Toronto and Vancouver.  Faculty Contact:  Joseph Mensah

Intellectual Migration: The China-Canada-US Dynamics (2017-22). Support 
available for excellent MA or PhD students. Seeks to understand the dynamics 
underlying global knowledge and human capital flows and the significant role of 
Canada as a nexus in these flows by exploring migration patterns among the 
highly educated China-born population.  Faculty Contact:  Lucia Lo

Libre-échange, gouvernance et démocratie municipale. Étude comparée de quatre 
villes canadiennes: Halifax, Montréal, Toronto et Vancouver (2017-21).  
Primarily MA students. Focuses on comparing the impacts of free trade 
agreements on municipal democracy in four city-regions in Canada, based on the 
perceived democratic deficit felt by community actors in the design and 
implementation of these agreements.  Faculty Contact:  Jean Michel Montsion

Anti-fascism: Prospects, Dilemmas, Urban Dimensions. Focuses on the multiple 
meanings of anti-fascism in France today, paying special attention to the 
difficulty of countering the growing ‘normalization’ of right populist and 
neo-fascist politics and their claims to multiple, local and national scales of 
urban life.  Faculty contact: Stefan Kipfer

Developing a comprehensive spatial database of fire, harvest, and road 
disturbances in Ontario ( <> 
(2018-2020). This is an ongoing effort to consistently compile at ~1 ha spatial 
resolution, annual maps of disturbance (i.e., fire, harvest, road) in Ontario’s 
boreal region from 1972 to present and to analyze the resulting patterns. 
Faculty Contact: Tarmo Remmel

Scaling functions for landscape patch shapes assessed from vertical transects 
of UAV imagery (2018-2020). Images based on vertical transects over a fixed 
ground point are used to develop scaling functions that describe the 
shape—resolution relationships and to inform object recognition and feature 
extraction. Faculty Contact: Tarmo Remmel

Ecologies of Labour: Unpacking labour, ecology, and mobility within the seafood 
sector (2018-21). Possible support for qualified and experienced MA and PhD 
students.  Explores the ecological and social processes that shape labour 
processes in the commercial fisheries sector, with a focus on Southeast and 
East Asia.  Faculty Contact: Peter Vandergeest 

Understanding the Experiences of Chinese International Students in Canada: Pre- 
and Post-Migration Reflections (2018-20).  Primarily MA students for research 
in Toronto.  This research aims at understanding the various factors and actors 
facilitating the recruitment of Chinese international students to Canada, as 
well as documenting the different experiences of such international students 
after they return to China. Faculty contact:  Jean Michel Montsion

Political geographies of activism and citizenship: Recruiting mostly PhD 
students. Examines the gap between the stated principles of liberal democracy, 
and the reality of exclusion, injustice, exploitation, and oppression from the 
perspective of the marginalized.   Has a particular interest in studying 
questions of identity and belonging through creative and artistic expression. 
Faculty Contact:  Patricia Wood

The Impact of Volcanic Ash on the Hydrology of Arctic Landscapes, Iceland.  
Interested in MSc and PhD students to conduct field research in Iceland for 3-4 
months at a time. Evaluates the impact of tephra (dust and volcanic ash) on the 
hydrologic dynamics of diverse wetland landscapes in Iceland, and the utility 
of smart sensors in monitoring water levels, soil moisture across a wetland 
site in southeast Iceland. Faculty Contact: Kathy Young

Green Militarization / The Militarization of Conservation (2018-25).  Examines 
the increasing military buildup within and across conservation areas around the 
world, or what is called “Green Militarization. Possible topics include the 
political economy of green militarization, its rationales, its histories, and 
its impacts (e.g., on local communities, governments, wildlife, and ecological 
processes), and its alternatives.  Faculty Contact: Elizabeth Lunstrum

The Political Ecology of International Borders (2018-25). Examines the 
interplay of ecology and practices of building, extending, maintaining, and 
bringing down international borders, in sites including the Canadian-US border, 
the Mozambique-South Africa border, and other borders and borderlands around 
the world, based on student interest. Faculty Contact: Libby Lunstrum

Canada-Philippines Alternative Transnational Economies. Explores the ways in 
which non-capitalist economic transactions and practices link Canada and the 
Philippines through networks forged by transnational migrants. MA and PhD 
students will benefit from a team of collaborating researchers in Toronto, 
Vancouver and Manila, and fieldwork opportunities in both countries.  Faculty 
Contact:  Philip Kelly

Global production networks for sport: Canada’s role in producing elite hockey 
players in China.  Examines how the Chinese state is developing an elite hockey 
team to represent China for the 2022 Winter Olympics through building global 
production networks linking with Canadian expertise in hockey. Faculty Contact: 
Glen Norcliffe

Ecology and survival of an endangered species in Canada.  The last major 
Canadian population of the native cactus Opuntia cespitosa is assessed to 
determine health, ecology and positive interactions in its Point Pelee 
community. Faculty Contact:  Taly Drezner

Subalterity, public education, and welfare cities: Comparing the experience of 
displaced migrants in three cities [Havana, Toronto, Kolkata] (2015-20).  MA 
and PhD students, must have an interest in either Cuba or India. Historically 
traces the geopolitical impacts on cities and schools through questions of 
conflict and displacement in Havana, Toronto and Kolkata.  Faculty Contact:  
Ranu Basu 

 Queering Canadian suburbs: LGBTQ2S place-making outside of central cities 
(2016-20). Addresses key knowledge gaps regarding the lives, service needs, and 
place-making practices of suburban Canadian LGBTQ2S (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, 
Trans, Queer, and Two-Spirit) populations in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.  
Faculty Contact:  Alison Bain

 Neoliberal industrialization, the rural periphery, and uneven development in 
India (2016-20). Examines how India's neoliberal-capitalist industrialization 
causes new forms of class inequality and new forms of geographically uneven 
development. Faculty Contact: Raju J Das

 An interactive mobile GIS-based tool that deciphers complex parking 
restrictions in space and time. Simplifying the street-parking experience in 
busy urban centres by providing real-time parking restriction information with 
colour-coded coloured road-side overlay mapping layers for heads-up use in 
automobile navigation systems and mobile apps that provide driving directions. 
Faculty Contact: Tarmo Remmel

Climate Change Diagnostics.  Identifies the patterns, trends and underlying 
causes of climate change and carbon dynamics, emphasis on changes in Canada and 
its Subarctic and Arctic regions. Faculty Contact: Richard Bello.


Peter Vandergeest

Geography Graduate Program Director
York University




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