Apologies for cross posting…

Dear colleagues,

Please see, and circulate, this advertisement for a two year postdoc position 
in Sustainability, Governance, and Plastics at Lund University, Sweden.  
Deadline for applications is Jan 24, 2018

Kind regards,
Mark Cooper


Postdoctoral Researcher in Sustainability, Governance and Plastics

The postdoctoral position is part of two research projects on the politics and 
governance of plastics. As a ‘petroculture’, plastics is a defining feature of 
modern societies; a versatile material with a range of uses, from the everyday 
to the very specialised. While plastics have clear benefits, it also causes 
significant damage to the environment and human health. Since around 8% of the 
fossil oil taken out of the ground is used for manufacturing plastics and the 
rates of recycling is low (38% in Sweden and 26% in the EU), ‘decarbonising’ 
the realm of plastics becomes a key challenge. Research at Lund University aims 
toward a future society in which plastics are sustainably developed, produced, 
used and recycled. The projects engages an interdisciplinary group of LU 
researchers from biotechnology, engineering to innovation systems, political 
science, and a range of stakeholders along the entire value chain of plastics, 
from production to consumption and waste.

The post-doctoral fellow will be expected to carry out research on the politics 
and governance of plastics. This includes, for example, examning how the value 
chains of plastics can be made more sustainable, from production to consumtion 
and waste. Research will concern questions of power, norms and behaviour, and 
include the analysis of transition pathways for sustainable plastics in 
collaboration with stakeholders.

We seek candidates with a PhD in Political Science or related discipline (e.g. 
Geography, Sociology, Anthropology), and competence within the areas of power, 
policy and governance. Research skills and academic promise will be the main 
selection criteria. The ability to work and communicate in a multi- 
disciplinary environment is also very important as well as to conduct research 
independently. An key qualification for the position is the capacity to 
contribute to the research projects overall goals.

It's not required that the applicant have done previous research on plastics, 
environmental politics, climate change, sustainability, waste management, but 
proven knowledge in these areas are a merit.

The deadline for applications is Jan 24, 2018, and the anticipated start date 
is March 1 2018 (or per agreement). More about the position and how to apply 

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