Eric wrote

>Jeff wrote:
>> Definition of sustainable living. - satisfying life
>>                                          - appealing life
>>                                          - environmentally responsible

>>I think that if the focus is on "sustainable" (environmentally
>responsible), "sustainable living" will be an easier step.  People will
>make things more appealing and satisfying (perhaps that is what
>"sustainable living" is doing?), but the emphasis on the idea of
>sustainable is key to the purpose of the whole effort.  Focusing on
>satisfying and appealing, or even a balanced approach, will make it much
>harder to become sustainable.  People are very quick to turn "satisfying
>and appealing" into selfish irresponsible behavior.
>The list of three aspects of sustainable living gave me the impression
>that, at best, all three were equal, at worst they were in order of
>importance.  But, again, maybe that's just my twist on this.  I'll stop
>rambling.  It's probably too early to be trying to write this.
My experience leads me to agree more with Jeff's ordering Eric. Whilst I
agree that in theory the environment should come first I think that if we
are trying to save the planet, as against our own little bit of it, the
satisfaction and enjoyment have to come first. We are, surely, trying to
make others see that sustainable living is worthwhile and a hair shirt
approach will drive them away in droves. If we don't persuade the rest of
the world to join in then no matter how environmentally friendly we are in
our own lives the rest of mankind will destroy our efforts


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