We live in a world where everyone assumes money is the
reward for hard work and money funds the good life.  This
assumption is built into our movies, media, and most literature.

Is it true? 

To someone living in poverty it is. 
To someone with a fat bank account, more money
isn't a factor in achieving "the good life".  To a well funded
corporate manager having another million isn't going to make them
much happier.  In fact, the extra money can be a burden and creates
a problem for society.  Here in the US we have a growing poverty
class and shrinking middle class, and that isn't good for democratic
process or solving social problems.  As poverty increases so does the
stress on services such as: jails, health services, abandoned children,

The obvious solutions are:
  1. Use some of the excessive salaries to fund social services.
  2. Educate the elite in happiness and other ways to achieve job
  3. Provide children with opportunities so they don't
      get locked into a poverty class.
  4. Provide jobs with minimal pay for people who are desperate.

Once minimal needs are met and all children have some level of
equal opportunity then the extra money can go into motivating the
greedy.  Of course this only works if we have a surplus and can 
agree on basic needs.

Essential Human Needs?

   Clean air & clean water

   Balanced diet in terms of the calories, nutrients & fiber conducive to
   good health & one free from potentially harmful processing, additives
   & contaminants

   Absence of harmful radiation

   Freedom from parasites and pathogens

   Sensory stimulation, at optimum level between insufficiency & overload.

   Physical exercise balanced by adequate rest and recuperation 


   Company, comradeship, and caring relationships with others

   Intellectual & artistic expression & development

   Sense of identity, belonging, purpose, & worth.

Another benefit of this all these ideas will be the environment.  In the past
only the rich could run away from polluted air, water, and disease.  If we
help everyone then the environment becomes everyones problem.  Just
as it should have been all along.

jeff -  http://www.bctonline.com/users/jko/ehome.html

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