Notes and ideas from magazines and other sources which
sounded interesting.

1. Birds can be kept away from fruit by spraying the
   with sugar water.  The sucrose can't be digested
   by birds and they soon avoid it.

2. Slugs avoid sage plants and new sprouts can be protected
   by saving sage and scattering it around the base of the

3. Fuchsia fruit is edible but flavor varies.

4. PawPaw fruit is high in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium,
   iron, copper, manganese, and several amino acids.  The
   twigs and leaves contain anti-tumor and pesticidal
   compounds this is both useful for keeping the tree
   disease free and may have use as a human supplement.
   Breeders are trying to develop fruit suitable for
   commercial growers.  We may see it in grocery stores
   some day.

5. Zone 7 orchard/garden activities for June.
   -Thin fruit trees.
   -Prune water sprouts
   -Begin checks for coddling moths
   -direct seed corn, beans, squash, cucumbers
   -transplant seedlings of tomato, melon, pepper, eggplant.

6. Average time a dwarf fruit tree takes to begin fruiting:
   2-5 years - apple, apricot
   5-7 years - sweet cherry
   3-4 years - peach
   4-6 years - pear, plum

7. My comments to Carol about coppicing red alder may have
   been premature.  I checked our local alders again and found
   several that had been cut at a height of 6-12 inches when
   they were a year old.  All of them sprouted.  I've noticed
   this same phenomena with scotch broom.  You can create a lawn
   of Scotch broom if mowed young but let it get a couple of years
   old and mowing kills it.


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