>One way to determine what is important in life
>is too look at those who are enjoying life and
>stable.  People who seek answers in philosophy
>or abstract reasoning do not appear to be
>finding answers that lead to enjoyment and

I think a lot of it has to do with engagement in life.  Seems to me there
are several levels:
1) DOUBLE-WATCHING: Watch pretend people pretend to have a life--we call 
this TV or
        video games.
2)WATCHING: Watch other people do things.
3) LEARNING: Learn about things we can do--various kinds of education.
4) SEMI-CONNECTED: Practice or do things  which are various degrees of 
remoteness from the needs of life--like clerking in a music store or 
5) CONNECTED: Practice or do things which are vitally connected with every 
day needs of life like growing food, cutting wood, cooking meals, dancing,
creating music.

 From what I see, the more people are in stage 5 and the less they
are in stage one, usually the more connected to life they are.  And assuming
they are being reasonably successful with 5, generally the happier
they are.


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