Hi Everyone:

The way Intel's BIOS development community is organized has changed recently.  
This change presents opportunities to rethink some of the ways that we interact 
with the open source community around BIOS and this project in particular.  In 
general, I believe Intel is interested in moving towards a more mainstream open 
source project model of interaction with this community.

As a first step in that process, I'd like to let you know that Intel will 
shortly change the licensing for all our EDK II project contributions.  The 
existing license, composed of Contributor Agreement and BSD terms, will remain. 
 However we will be adding Apache 2.0 terms as a dual license option for all 
contributions that we have made wherever practical to do so.

In practice, these two license formulations are effectively equivalent for both 
contributors and consumers of code from the project.  The value in making this 
change is that it means the affected code will be licensed with an OSI approved 
set of license terms.  This should among other things make it easier for 
participants to get approval to work and contribute in the project and will 
allow us to get rid of the hurdle of a formal agreement to the Contributor 
terms as a precursor to doing any work.

Longer term, I'd like to invite all contributors to consider doing something 
similar with their contributions.  And beyond that, perhaps taking the lead of 
other projects like OpenSSL that have done this, converge on Apache 2.0 as the 
single, preferred license for the code in the project.  That of course is a 
decision for the community rather than any one participant.

With the latter thought in mind, I'd also like to invite discussion of what 
changes might be made to the project to make it function and present as a more 
recognizable mainstream open source project.  I think the changes at Intel 
create an opportunity for us to take on board community feedback, much of which 
we have heard but heretofore not necessarily been able to enact.  In other 
words we are at a point where Intel is willing to make substantive changes to 
its working model with the project but we would like to engage the community to 
decide together what a better, stronger upstream project could look like going 

I've talked to some of you about these ideas and the proposal right now would 
be to set up some open phone meeting conversations about what aspirations we 
might collectively agree for the project.  I think we will need more than one 
to accommodate schedules and time zones since we have a pretty well spread out 
group of participants.  Watch for logistics proposals on when those 
conversations can take place.  Ideally I'd like to try and get those rolling 
within the next week or two at most.  I'd ask everyone to think about things 
you'd like to see done differently in the EDK II project, be it tree changes, 
tools and process changes, actual code changes or anything else and be ready to 
bring those forward for discussion.  I did talk to the stewards already and I 
know they have a few ideas along these lines already so there's already some 
seeds for the discussion there.

Since this is not exactly a normal thread of discussion for this mailing list, 
I'd suggest that we not initially engage in extensive discussion on this via 
the email reflector - rather let's find those times to talk about ideas in real 
time by phone meeting as I think that will be more efficient to share 
brainstorming ideas. And I don't want to disrupt the work flow here in the 
meanwhile! (well, not any more than I just did perhaps ;))

If you have questions about the above that can't wait for the broader inclusive 
discussions, you are welcome to reply to me direct of course.  I'm really 
looking forward to conversations about how to make a better upstream that will 
benefit our entire ecosystem!


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