Update Readme.MD for the FmpDevicePkg-UDK2018 branch in the
edk2-staging repository.

Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1
Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl |   2 +-
 Readme.md                            | 159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl 
index b2758a2292..d4e4bd2a81 160000
--- a/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit b2758a2292aceda93e9f44c219b94fe21bb9a650
+Subproject commit d4e4bd2a8163f355fa8a3884077eaec7adc75ff7
diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md
index 1ef0780ee0..300047b435 100644
--- a/Readme.md
+++ b/Readme.md
@@ -27,3 +27,162 @@ are listed in [Maintainers.txt](Maintainers.txt).
 * [Mailing 
 * [TianoCore Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.tianocore.org)
 * [How To 
+# FmpDevicePkg-UDK2018 edk2-staging branch
+The FmpDevicePkg provides a simple method to support UEFI Capsules for firmware
+update of system firmware or devices using the Firmware Management Protocol.
+The content in this edk2-staging branch is based on content from the following:
+The Firmware Management Protocol advertises that a component supports a 
+update using a UEFI capsule.  The FmpDevicePkg provides library classes and 
+used to customize the behavior of a Firmware Management Protocol instance.
+## Goals
+The goal of this branch in edk2-staging is to provide a version of the source
+code that can be used to validate the functionality before it is added to
+edk2/master.  The target date for integration into edk2/master is early August
+## Developers
+* Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
+* Sean Brogan <sean.bro...@microsoft.com>
+* Jiewen Yao <jiewen....@intel.com>
+* Yonghong Zhu <yonghong....@intel.com>
+* Liming Gao <liming....@intel.com>
+* Ruiyu Ni <ruiyu...@intel.com>
+* Star Zeng <star.z...@intel.com>
+* Eric Dong <eric.d...@intel.com>
+* David Wei <david....@intel.com>
+* Mang Guo <mang....@intel.com>
+## Library Classes
+* FmpDeviceLib - Provides firmware device specific services
+  to support updates of a firmware image stored in a firmware
+  device.
+* CapsuleUpdatePolicyLib - Provides platform policy services
+  used during a capsule update.
+* FmpPayloadHeaderLib - Provides services to retrieve values
+  from a capsule's FMP Payload Header.  The structure is not
+  included in the library class.  Instead, services are
+  provided to retrieve information from the FMP Payload Header.
+  If information is added to the FMP Payload Header, then new
+  services may be added to this library class to retrieve the
+  new information.
+## PCDs set per module
+* PcdFmpDeviceSystemResetRequired - Indicates if a full
+  system reset is required before a firmware update to a
+  firmware devices takes effect
+* PcdFmpDeviceTestKeySha256Digest - The SHA-256 hash of a
+  PKCS7 test key that is used to detect if a test key is
+  being used to authenticate capsules.  Test key detection
+  is disabled by setting the value to {0}.
+* PcdFmpDeviceProgressColor - The color of the progress bar
+  during a firmware update.
+* PcdFmpDeviceImageIdName - The Null-terminated Unicode
+  string used to fill in the ImageIdName field of the
+  EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR structure that is returned
+  by the GetImageInfo() service of the Firmware Management
+  Protocol for the firmware device.
+* PcdFmpDeviceBuildTimeLowestSupportedVersion - The build
+  time value used to fill in the LowestSupportedVersion field
+  of the EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR structure that is
+  returned by the GetImageInfo() service of the Firmware
+  Management Protocol.
+* PcdFmpDeviceProgressWatchdogTimeInSeconds - The time in
+  seconds to arm a watchdog timer during the update of a
+  firmware device.
+## PCDs set per module or for entire platform
+* PcdFmpDevicePkcs7CertBufferXdr - One or more PKCS7
+  certificates used to verify a firmware device capsule
+  update image.
+* PcdFmpDeviceLockEventGuid - An event GUID that locks
+  the firmware device when the event is signaled.
+## GenerateCapsule tool to create UEFI Capsules
+* GenerateCapsule is a new standalone tool that is used to create a UEFI
+  capsule that can be processed by an FmpDxe module from the FmpDevicePkg.
+    usage: GenerateCapsule [-h] [-o OUTPUTFILE] (-e | -d | --dump-info)
+                           [--capflag 
+                           [--capoemflag CAPSULEOEMFLAG] [--guid GUID]
+                           [--hardware-instance HARDWAREINSTANCE]
+                           [--monotonic-count MONOTONICCOUNT]
+                           [--fw-version FWVERSION] [--lsv 
+                           [--pfx-file SIGNTOOLPFXFILE]
+                           [--signer-private-cert OPENSSLSIGNERPRIVATECERTFILE]
+                           [--other-public-cert OPENSSLOTHERPUBLICCERTFILE]
+                           [--trusted-public-cert OPENSSLTRUSTEDPUBLICCERTFILE]
+                           [--signing-tool-path SIGNINGTOOLPATH] [--version] 
+                           [-q] [--debug [0-9]]
+                           InputFile
+    Generate a capsule. Copyright (c) 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights
+    reserved.
+    positional arguments:
+      InputFile             Input binary payload filename.
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+      -o OUTPUTFILE, --output OUTPUTFILE
+                            Output filename.
+      -e, --encode          Encode file
+      -d, --decode          Decode file
+      --dump-info           Display FMP Payload Header information
+      --capflag {PersistAcrossReset,PopulateSystemTable,InitiateReset}
+                            Capsule flag can be PersistAcrossReset, or
+                            PopulateSystemTable or InitiateReset or not set
+      --capoemflag CAPSULEOEMFLAG
+                            Capsule OEM Flag is an integer between 0x0000 and
+                            0xffff.
+      --guid GUID           The FMP/ESRT GUID in registry format. Required for
+                            encode operations.
+      --hardware-instance HARDWAREINSTANCE
+                            The 64-bit hardware instance. The default is
+                            0x0000000000000000
+      --monotonic-count MONOTONICCOUNT
+                            64-bit monotonic count value in header. Default is
+                            0x0000000000000000.
+      --fw-version FWVERSION
+                            The 32-bit version of the binary payload (e.g.
+                            0x11223344 or 5678).
+                            The 32-bit lowest supported version of the binary
+                            payload (e.g. 0x11223344 or 5678).
+      --pfx-file SIGNTOOLPFXFILE
+                            signtool PFX certificate filename.
+      --signer-private-cert OPENSSLSIGNERPRIVATECERTFILE
+                            OpenSSL signer private certificate filename.
+      --other-public-cert OPENSSLOTHERPUBLICCERTFILE
+                            OpenSSL other public certificate filename.
+      --trusted-public-cert OPENSSLTRUSTEDPUBLICCERTFILE
+                            OpenSSL trusted public certificate filename.
+      --signing-tool-path SIGNINGTOOLPATH
+                            Path to signtool or OpenSSL tool. Optional if path 
+                            tools are already in PATH.
+      --version             show program's version number and exit
+      -v, --verbose         Turn on verbose output with informational messages
+                            printed, including capsule headers and warning
+                            messages.
+      -q, --quiet           Disable all messages except fatal errors.
+      --debug [0-9]         Set debug level
+## Vlv2TbltDevicePkg Platform
+* Support system firmware update
+* Support device firmware device update for three sample devices (Red, Green, 
+## Validation Plans
+## Documentation Links
+* [FmpDevicewPkg High Level Design Overview]()
+* [FmpDevicePkg Platform Integration Guide]()

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