Posted also to, where the same question appeared.

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999 00:03:58 +0100, EikeRietzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> I have a very urgent problem concerning GLM (repeated measures).
> The Mauchly sphericity test prints out:
> Mauchly-W = 0.000
> approx-chi2 =  .
> df = 9
> significance =  .
> Does this mean the within-subject factors fail to meet the assumption of
> sphericity?

What is clear is that there is something unusual that made W come out
0.0.   My guess would be that somewhere you have variances or
covariances that are  *exactly*  equal or exactly 0  owing (probably)
to discrete data;  under the assumption of continuous data, there
would never be a W of 0.0.  So, what is odd about your data?

The problem of having no chi2 or no "significance" for the missing
chi2  follows from that.

By the way, the test (if I remember right) is a pretty fuzzy indicator
--not to be relied upon in either direction.  If you are going to be
concerned with those issues, you need to look more closely than that.

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