Have you (or, perhaps one of your students) submitted an abstract for
the 2001 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM)?  If so, please note that
the Biometrics Section is seeking nominations for the 2001 David P.
Byar Young Investigator Award.  This annual award is given to a young
investigator for the best paper to be presented at the JSM.  The award
is in memory of David Byar, an internationally known biostatistician
who made significant contributions to the development and application
of statistical methods during his career at the National Cancer
Institute.  The winner will receive a $1,000 cash award.

In addition to the Byar Award, the Section may also provide additional
travel awards to the authors of other outstanding papers that are
submitted to the Byar award competition.

Criteria for applicants are:

- having held a Ph.D. for less than three years at the time of 
  application OR not in receipt of a Ph.D. (students are eligible)

- younger than 40 years of age

- member of the ASA Biometrics Section

- first author of the paper

- scheduled to present the paper at the 2001 JSM in Atlanta

For the 2001 competition, the application materials should consist of:

1. A cover letter certifying that the applicant meets the eligibility

2. A current CV

3. Three copies of the paper

Applicants are also invited to submit one copy each of supplementary
published or in-press papers if they comprise a body of scientific work
related to the paper to be presented.

The 2001 Awards Committee is chaired by Charles S. Davis, Vernon M.
Chinchilli, and Joan S. Chmiel, the 2000-2002 Biometrics Section
Chairs, respectively.  Information regarding this award is also
available on the Section webpage, easily accessed by clicking on "Links
& Resources" at the ASA website (

Applications must be postmarked on or before June 1, 2001 and sent to:

Charles S. Davis
Chair, 2001 Biometrics Section Awards Committee
Department of Biostatistics
University of Iowa
2837 Steindler Building
Iowa City, IA  52242
Phone: (319) 335-9625
Fax: (319) 335-9200

Submission of electronic versions of manuscripts is encouraged
(preferably as a postscript or pdf file).

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

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