"How Devs Can Help Beat the COVID-19 Pandemic"
https://slashdot.org/story/368954 :

The state of New York hopes to "amplify" its response to COVID-19 by
launching tech-driven products with top companies, and it's looking for
professional volunteers with experience in software development, hardware
deployment/end-user support, and data science (as well as areas like
product management, design, operations management).

Meanwhile, IBM's 2020 "Call for Code Global Challenge" is a virtual
hackathon with a $200,000 prize, and they've now "expanded its focus" to
include the effects of COVID-19.

Tech columnist Mike Melanson writes: But this is just the beginning of the
COVID-19 hackathon boom, which now includes efforts organized by tech
giants, state governments, and grassroots initiatives alike. For example,
the World Health Organization got together with technology companies and
platforms such as AWS, Facebook, Giphy, Microsoft, Pinterest, Salesforce,
Slack, TikTok, Twitter and WeChat to launch the COVID-19 Global Hackathon
1.0, which is running as we speak with a deadline for submissions of March
30th at 9 AM PST. If you're too late, fret not, for there are many more,
such as the CODEVID-19 hackathon we mentioned last week that has a weekly
rolling deadline. And deadlines aside, the U.S. Digital Response for
COVID-19 is working to pair technology, data, and government professionals
with those who need them, in a form of nationwide, technological mutual

[T]he COVID-19 open-source help desk is "a fast-track 'stack overflow'
where you can get answers from the very people who wrote the software that
you use or who are experts in its use." And if you happen to be either an
open source author or expert, feel free to pitch in on answering

On the open data side of things, for example, GitHub offers a guide on open
collaboration on COVID-19, while StackOverflow looks at the myriad ways to
help the fight against COVID-19 from home. ProgrammableWeb has a list of
developer hackathons to combat COVID-19, and even the Golang team offers
some guidance for Go, the Go community, and the pandemic, with Erlang also
joining in.

.@WHO, @CDCgov, … launch  #COVID19 permissioned blockchain/DLT based on
@Hyperledger Fabric: #MiPasa https://mipasa.org/

.@Hyperledger Fabric documentation:

On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, 10:39 AM Wes Turner <wes.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Khan Academy resources:
> "Estimating actual COVID 19 cases (novel corona virus infections) in an
> area based on deaths" on YouTube
> https://youtu.be/mCa0JXEwDEk
> "Remote learning with Khan Academy during school closures"
> https://www.khanacademy.org/about/blog/post/611770255064350720/remote-learning-with-khan-academy-during-school
> @khanacademy Medicine
> YouTube Playlists:
> https://www.youtube.com/user/khanacademymedicine
> Khan Academy MCAT (med school) Test Prep
> https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat
> Khan Academy NCLEX-RN (nursing license) Test Prep
> https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/nclex-rn
> https://www.khanacademy.org/math
> https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-science
> https://www.khanacademy.org/college-admissions
> https://www.khanacademy.org/college-careers-more/career-content
> https://www.khanacademy.org/college-careers-more/personal-finance
> https://www.khanacademy.org/college-careers-more/entrepreneurship2
>   "Venture Capital and Capital Markets: all of the sources of funding
> (capital) for a business" #Growth models / word of mouth / conversion rate
>   https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCADCB4565CFACEBF
> https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/learnstorm-growth-mindset-activities-us
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, 10:26 AM Wes Turner <wes.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why does this turn negative at 40 timesteps?
>> !conda install -y pandas matplotlib || pip install -y pandas matplotlib
>> %matplotlib inline
>> import pandas as pd
>> nrange = range(100)
>> df = pd.DataFrame(index=nrange)
>> df['cases'] = 3**df.index
>> df.tail()
>> df.plot()
>> df['casesfmt'] = df['cases'].apply(
>>     lambda x: '{:,}'.format(x))
>> ...
>> Jupyter keyboard shortcuts:
>> <Esc>a -- insert cell above
>> <Esc>b -- insert cell below
>> <Ctrl><Shift><minus> -- split cell at cursor
>> <Esc>m -- set cell type to Markdown
>> <Esc>y -- set cell type to Code
>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, 9:49 AM Wes Turner <wes.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemiology
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_modelling_of_infectious_disease
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmental_models_in_epidemiology
>>> - Why we wear masks when we go outside
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology_adoption_life_cycle#See_also
>>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, 9:36 AM Wes Turner <wes.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> A thread to share [collections of] resources, curriculum ideas, etc.
>>>> about and for during the COVID-19 epidemic
>>>> Lots of analyses, some data, some helpful contributions, lots of people
>>>> learning about exponential growth
>>>> One video I saw mentioned that a person normal flu infects about
>>>> 1.3-1.4 other people, but COVID-19 is closer to 3; so what's wrong with
>>>> this analysis?
>>>> 1**1.3
>>>> 1**3
>>>> 1.3**n
>>>> 3**n
>>>> '{:,}'.format(7e9)
>>>> 1*(3**x) = 7e9
>>>> # solve for x with logarithms
>>>> # Where is the limit with which controls?
>>>> ## Notebook idea
>>>> Growth curves: polynomials of degree 0 through 10 ('desic'),
>>>> exponential, logistic
>>>> - Exponential growth and epidemics
>>>>   https://youtu.be/Kas0tIxDvrg
>>>> ## Prompt re: positive, helpful, constructive tone; morale; and amateur
>>>> data science
>>>> Here's a prompt for students and teachers alike:
>>>> Respond to this re: amateur data science, tone, attitude,
>>>> responsibility:
>>>> https://www.reddit.com/r/datascience/comments/fm17ja/to_all_data_scientists_out_there_crowdsourcing/
>>>> ```quote
>>>> FWIU, there are many unquantified variables:
>>>> - pre-existing conditions (impossible to factor in without having
>>>> access to electronic health records; such as those volunteered as part of
>>>> the Precision Medicine initiative)
>>>> - policy response
>>>> - population density
>>>> - number of hospital beds per capita
>>>> - number of ventilators per capita
>>>> - production rate of masks per capita
>>>> - medical equipment intellectual property right liabilities per
>>>> territory
>>>> - treatment protocols
>>>> - sanitation protocols
>>>> So, it **is** useful to learn to model exponential growth that's
>>>> actually logistic due to e.g. herd immunity, hours of sunlight (UVC),
>>>> effective containment policies.
>>>> Analyses that compare various qualitative and quantitative aspects of
>>>> government and community responses and subsequent growth curves should be
>>>> commended, recognized, and encouraged to continue trying to better predict
>>>> potential costs.
>>>> (You can tag epidemiology tools with e.g. "epidemiology"
>>>> https://github.com/topics/epidemiology )
>>>> Are these unqualified resources better spent on other efforts like
>>>> staying at home and learning data science; rather than asserting
>>>> superiority over and inadequacy of others? Inclusion criteria for
>>>> meta-analyses.
>>>> - "Call to Action to the Tech Community on New Machine Readable
>>>> COVID-19 Dataset"  (March 16, 2020)
>>>> https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/call-action-tech-community-new-machine-readable-covid-19-dataset/
>>>>   > “We need to come together as companies, governments, and scientists
>>>> and work to bring our best technologies to bear across biomedicine,
>>>> epidemiology, AI, and other sciences. The COVID-19 literature resource and
>>>> challenge will stimulate efforts that can accelerate the path to solutions
>>>> on COVID-19.”
>>>>   - https://www.kaggle.com/tags/covid19
>>>>      - "COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19): An AI
>>>> challenge with AI2, CZI, MSR, Georgetown, NIH & The White House"
>>>> https://www.kaggle.com/allen-institute-for-ai/CORD-19-research-challenge
>>>> -
>>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_medicine#Precision_Medicine_Initiative
>>>> ```
>>>> ## NIH FigShare instance
>>>> https://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/rapidly-share-discover-and-cite-covid19-research-results-generated-niaid-awards
>>>> > NIH is assessing the role of a generalist repository for NIH-funded
>>>> research and has launched the NIH Figshare instance, a pilot project with
>>>> the generalist repository Figshare
>>>> You can archive a tag of a [topic-labeled] GitHub repository
>>>> [containing notebooks] with FigShare.
>>>> ## Resource Collections
>>>> https://github.com/topics/2019-ncov
>>>> https://github.com/topics/covid-19
>>>> https://github.com/topics/epidemiology?l=python
>>>> https://github.com/topics/epidemiology?l=jupyter+notebook
>>>> Objectively-scored Kaggle competitions:
>>>> https://www.kaggle.com/tags/covid19
>>>> https://github.com/soroushchehresa/awesome-coronavirus
>>>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, 6:35 AM kirby urner <kirby.ur...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Awesome!
>>>>> If you do any kind of Youtube on this specific SIR model I hope you'll
>>>>> link it from the cell and share it here.
>>>>> I see some Youtubes like that already (SIR models, including in
>>>>> Python), but everyone codes a little differently.
>>>>> I'd like to go back to high school and do it all again from a student
>>>>> perspective, now that the curriculum and tools are so vastly different.
>>>>> High school should be for any age, and one keeps going back every 10
>>>>> years or so.  Learn it the new way.
>>>>> Kirby
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