This coming Wednesday, Dec 15,  in the Logica Universalis Webinar, we will
have the presentation of the book

Logical Skills
edited by Julie Brumberg-Chaumont & Claude Rosental
published in the book series Studies in Universal Logic

and a talk based on one of the chapters of this book

Decolonizing “Natural Logic”
by  Scott L. Prat
“Natural logic” was proposed by Lewis Henry Morgan (1818–1881) as the
engine of cultural evolution, concluding that the “course and manner” of
cultural development “was predetermined, as well as restricted within
narrow limits of divergence, by the natural logic of the human mind.” This
essay argues that Morgan’s conception of natural logic aids the project of
settler colonialism. Rather than being a false account of human agency,
however, it is a conception of natural logic that is produced through the
systematic narrowing of possibilities for agency, human, and otherwise.
This narrowed logic is thus only a part of a differently conceived logic of
agency that is also general (and so serves as the framework for all action)
and normative (albeit with a set of norms different from those identified
by Morgan). The discussion proceeds in four sections: first, a presentation
of Morgan’s conception of natural logic and its origins; second, an
analysis of four colonizing implications of Morgan’s view; third, examples
of further developments of natural logic in the twentieth and twenty-first
centuries in the work structuralist and post-structuralist theorists; and,
last, a brief introduction of a decolonial logic that provides a broader
alternative conception of the structure of agency, human, and otherwise,
and that avoids the oppressive effects of the reductionism of the natural
logic received from Morgan and his successors.

Chair: Raffaela Giovganoli

To attend this LUW session register here:

Jean-Yves Beziau
President of LUA - Logica Universalis Association


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